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其实「灰熊」是「棕熊」的其中一种啊! 因为有些「棕熊」看起来是灰色的,所以「棕熊」有时被称为「灰熊」。 原因就是这样简单。 而事实上,生物学上的分类只有棕熊而没有灰熊。 请先看以下有关熊科的分类( *** )﹕ 熊科 Ursidae 熊猫亚科 Ailuropodinae 大熊猫 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 眼镜熊亚科 Tremarctinae 眼镜熊 Tremarctos ornatus 熊亚科 Ursinae 棕熊 Ursus arctos 美洲黑熊 Ursus americanus 北极熊 Ursus maritimus 亚洲黑熊 Ursus thibetanus,或 Selenarctos *** anus 阿特拉斯棕熊(北非棕熊) Ursus crowtheri (约1870年灭绝) 懒熊 Melursus ursinus,或 Ursus ursinus 马来熊 Helarctos malayanus 就熊科的分类而言,根本就没有「灰熊」。 另外,在 *** 上亦提到﹕ 棕熊有毛茸茸的毛皮,呈白色、棕色、黑色或杂色;虽然叫棕熊,但是它们的毛色通常偏灰。 以下则是棕熊的五种分类,「灰熊」是其中一种。 灰熊(U. arctos horribilis)是北美洲最常见的棕熊 阿拉斯加棕熊(U. arctos middendorffi) 墨西哥棕熊(U. arctos nelsoni) 喜玛拉雅棕熊(U. arctos isabellinus) 日本棕熊 (U. arctos yesoensis) 2007-02-19 23:29:19 补充: 网站推荐﹕在「动物星球」(Animal Pla)网站可以找到上述各种熊的资料。(绝种的「北非棕熊」除外)网站里其中一段形容﹕  棕熊的不同亚种源自于欧洲的北、东和西部地区、亚洲北部地区、日本、加拿大和美国 ……  在美国,棕熊也称为「灰熊」 (Grizzly Bear),因为熊毛的末端呈灰白色。网址﹕animalpla/bears/ 2007-02-19 23:31:30 补充: 更正句子﹕「生物学上的分类只有棕熊而没有灰熊。」改为「生物学上的熊科分类只有棕熊而没有灰熊。」
灰熊依不同地区有不同的颜色。可以有亚麻色﹐深棕色或者黑色。查网页好像没有怎样用grey这个字眼 The grizzly bear
sometimes called the silvertip bear
is a powerful brownish-yellow bear that lives in the uplands of western North America. It has traditionally been treated as a subspecies
Ursus arctos horribilis
of the brown bear living in North America. Grizzly bears reach weights of 180–680 kg (400–1
500 lb); the male is on average 1.8 times as heavy as the female
an example of sexual dimorphi *** . Their coloring ranges widely across geographic areas
from blond to deep brown or black. These differences
once attributed to subspeciation
are now thought to be primarily due to the different environments these bears inhabit
particularly with regard to diet and temperature. The grizzly has a large hump over the shoulders which is a muscle mass used to power the forelimbs in digging. The head is large and round with a concave facial profile. In spite of their massive size
these bears can run at speeds of up to 55 km/h (35 mph). Normally a solitary nocturnally active animal
in coastal areas the grizzly congregates alongside streams and rivers during the salmon spawn. Every other year females (called sows) produce one to four young (most monly o) which are *** all and weigh only about 500 g (1 pound). Sows are very protective of their offspring. 图片参考:upload.wikimedia/ *** /mons/thumb/5/5b/Grizzly_Bear_Yellowstone/180px-Grizzly_Bear_Yellowstone 图片参考:en. *** /skins-1.5/mon/images/magnify-clip Female grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park
U.S.A. The current range of the grizzly bear extends from Alaska
south through much of Western Canada
and into the northern Northwestern United States including Idaho
Montana and Wyoming. Its original range also included much of western and southern United States
but it has been extirpated in those areas. It is expected that the grizzly's repopulation of its U.S. range will be a slow process due equally to the ramifications of reintroducing such a large animal to areas which are prized for agriculture and livestock and also because of the bear's slow reproductive habits (bears invest a good deal of time in raising young). Brown bears (of which the grizzly bear is a subspecies) can live up to thirty years in the wild
though 20–25 is normal. __________________________________________________ 棕熊 外貌 棕熊有毛茸茸的毛皮,呈白色、棕色、黑色或杂色;虽然叫棕熊,但是它们的毛色通常偏灰。在棕熊的背部有一块鼓起来的肌肉,当它们挖洞时,那块肌肉便给予棕熊前肢的力量。它们有一双有力的大手,有1.5米长,一掌拍下去足以杀死一头和自身一样大的马鹿。不像有些大型动物,例如狮子或老虎,它们的爪子(指甲)不能伸缩,由于爪子不能伸缩,它们的爪子不是很灵活。尽管它们的爪子不灵活,那巨大的力量还是致命的。头大而圆。尽管它们看起来很笨重,当他们跑快时时速可达56公里/时(35英里/时)。棕熊不仅快,而且很有耐力。可以以最快的速度跑几十分钟。当然棕熊也有弱点:尽管棕熊已经够快了,但是它们的主要食物之一:鹿,可以以每小时67公里/时的速度跑几十分钟。阿拉斯加棕熊是体型最大的熊,有不少雄性阿拉斯加棕熊体长可达3米,体重可达680公斤,世界上最高的熊高达4米(是体长不是肩高)。一头柏林动物园的熊重达1134公斤。 结论:啡色的熊可以是灰熊或棕熊。
参考: ***
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