asp 模板自定义标签问题
Function ProcessCustomTags(ByVal sContent)
Dim objRegEx, Match, Matches
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
objRegEx.Pattern = "<tag:[^<>]+?\/>"
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
'Run the search against the content string we've been passed
Set Matches = objRegEx.Execute(sContent)
For Each Match in Matches
'Replace each match with the appropriate HTML from our ParseTag function
sContent = Replace(sContent, Match.Value, ParseTag(Match.Value))
set Matches = nothing
set objRegEx = nothing
ProcessCustomTags = sContent
End Function
'如:<tag:loop channelid="1" pagesize="10" title="20" type="NEW" column="1">
function GetAttribute(ByVal strAttribute, ByVal strTag)
Dim objRegEx, Matches
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
'查找内容 (the attribute name followed by double quotes etc)
objRegEx.Pattern = lCase(strAttribute) & "=""[0-9a-zA-Z]*"""
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
Set Matches = objRegEx.Execute(strTag)
'如有匹配的则返回值, 不然返回空值
if Matches.Count > 0 then
GetAttribute = Split(Matches(0).Value,"""")(1)
GetAttribute = ""
end if
set Matches = nothing
set objRegEx = nothing
end function
function ParseTag(ByVal strTag)
dim arrResult, ClassName, arrAttributes, sTemp, i, objClass
if len(strTag) = 0 then exit function
'Split the match on the colon character (:)
arrResult = Split(strTag, ":")
'Split the second item of the resulting array on the space character, to
'retrieve the name of the class
ClassName = Split(arrResult(1), " ")(0)
'Use a select case statement to work out which class we're dealing with
'and therefore which properties to populate etc
select case uCase(ClassName)
'It's a loop class, so instantiate one and get it's properties
case "LOOP"
set objClass = new WawaLoop
objClass.Channelid= GetAttribute("channelid", strTag)
objClass.Pagesize= GetAttribute("pagesize", strTag)
objClass.title = GetAttribute("title", strTag)
'objClass.Elite = GetAttribute("elite", strTag)
ParseTag =objClass.column (GetAttribute("column", strTag))
set objClass = nothing
end select
end function
Class WawaLoop
public Channelid,Pagesize,title,conn
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
dim connstr
dim db
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connstr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(db)
conn.Open connstr
End Sub
Public Function column(strColumn)
dim i,rs,sql,strtemp
i = 1
set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sql = "select top "&Pagesize&" * from ClassAD where DB1='Channelid'"
rs.open sql,conn,1,1
do while not rs.eof
strtemp = strtemp& "<li><span class=""Class_box_time"">"
strtemp = strtemp& "8/31</span><font class=""F13"">"
strtemp = strtemp& "["&lefttrue(rs("DB1"),4)&"]</font> <a href=""/Class/Show.asp?ID=33"" target=""_blank"">"
strtemp = strtemp& ""&lefttrue(rs("Title"),28)&"</a></li>"
if (i mod strColumn) =0 then
end if
rs.close:set rs = nothing
column = strtemp
End Function
End Class 展开
Function ProcessCustomTags(ByVal sContent)
Dim objRegEx, Match, Matches
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
objRegEx.Pattern = "<tag:[^<>]+?\/>"
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
'Run the search against the content string we've been passed
Set Matches = objRegEx.Execute(sContent)
For Each Match in Matches
'Replace each match with the appropriate HTML from our ParseTag function
sContent = Replace(sContent, Match.Value, ParseTag(Match.Value))
set Matches = nothing
set objRegEx = nothing
ProcessCustomTags = sContent
End Function
'如:<tag:loop channelid="1" pagesize="10" title="20" type="NEW" column="1">
function GetAttribute(ByVal strAttribute, ByVal strTag)
Dim objRegEx, Matches
Set objRegEx = New RegExp
'查找内容 (the attribute name followed by double quotes etc)
objRegEx.Pattern = lCase(strAttribute) & "=""[0-9a-zA-Z]*"""
objRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
objRegEx.Global = True
Set Matches = objRegEx.Execute(strTag)
'如有匹配的则返回值, 不然返回空值
if Matches.Count > 0 then
GetAttribute = Split(Matches(0).Value,"""")(1)
GetAttribute = ""
end if
set Matches = nothing
set objRegEx = nothing
end function
function ParseTag(ByVal strTag)
dim arrResult, ClassName, arrAttributes, sTemp, i, objClass
if len(strTag) = 0 then exit function
'Split the match on the colon character (:)
arrResult = Split(strTag, ":")
'Split the second item of the resulting array on the space character, to
'retrieve the name of the class
ClassName = Split(arrResult(1), " ")(0)
'Use a select case statement to work out which class we're dealing with
'and therefore which properties to populate etc
select case uCase(ClassName)
'It's a loop class, so instantiate one and get it's properties
case "LOOP"
set objClass = new WawaLoop
objClass.Channelid= GetAttribute("channelid", strTag)
objClass.Pagesize= GetAttribute("pagesize", strTag)
objClass.title = GetAttribute("title", strTag)
'objClass.Elite = GetAttribute("elite", strTag)
ParseTag =objClass.column (GetAttribute("column", strTag))
set objClass = nothing
end select
end function
Class WawaLoop
public Channelid,Pagesize,title,conn
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
dim connstr
dim db
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connstr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(db)
conn.Open connstr
End Sub
Public Function column(strColumn)
dim i,rs,sql,strtemp
i = 1
set rs=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
sql = "select top "&Pagesize&" * from ClassAD where DB1='Channelid'"
rs.open sql,conn,1,1
do while not rs.eof
strtemp = strtemp& "<li><span class=""Class_box_time"">"
strtemp = strtemp& "8/31</span><font class=""F13"">"
strtemp = strtemp& "["&lefttrue(rs("DB1"),4)&"]</font> <a href=""/Class/Show.asp?ID=33"" target=""_blank"">"
strtemp = strtemp& ""&lefttrue(rs("Title"),28)&"</a></li>"
if (i mod strColumn) =0 then
end if
rs.close:set rs = nothing
column = strtemp
End Function
End Class 展开