1. 英文描写小狗的日记
我的小黄狗(My Little Yellow Dog)
I have a lovely dog. We call it Huang huang, because it is yellow. Two years ago, my father got it from a pet shop nearby. And since then, it has lived together with us. My parents and I all like it very much.
It has o big round eyes, o *** all ears. Its big nose is black. Its teeth are very sharp.
Huanghuang is very friendly to me, and I often give it something good, such as rice and bones. It often sleeps at noon. After supper, I often take it to have a walk.
Huanghuang is funny and nice. I think it is a member of my family.
小朋友 作文要自己写
2. 急,谁能帮我写一篇关于小狗的英文文章
CRUEL DOG-KILLERS in CHINA 2006 – millions of millions dogs are killed !!
Please please believe what you have seen, it is just happening in China now!!!
What caused this cruel slaughter? Since April 2006, three people have been bitted and died because of Hydrophobia in a country town in China. Thus local government started pulsory vaccination. However, there were still many people being killed by Hydrophobia in the following months in different cities.
As a result of this, local government decided to kill all the dogs no matter what kinds of dogs, big or *** all, healthy or unhealthy. Therefore, during 25th and 30th July 2006, FIFTY THOUSANDS dogs were killed by government.
At the same time, there were 3000 dogs being killed every day in another *** all country town next-door.
However it was not the last of the matter!!!!!!!!!!
At the end of August, a lot of large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Canton ect starts to kill dogs which are higher than 38cm or 35cm. What government said was they would like to make sure the safety of people.
All dog owners felt very disappointed and angry about their policies, but what we could do is only protesting, protesting and protesting as we do not have the power to fight against the policemen.
So at the end, we hope that there will be international anizations could help to stop the Slaughter stop Killing Innocent Dogs in China!!!!!!
3. 2年级学生写小狗的英文作文
Puppy is 2 years old this year. Because it is yellow, I call it little yellow. It is very cute, I love it very much. Every day when I go home from school and quickly finished my homework I can play with it. I skate and play with it. We had a little running race or hide-and-seek. When I was reading it quietly acpany beside me. This is my most happy thing besides study.
4. 谁能帮我写一篇描写狗的英文短篇作文,大概只要写60
the dog
l like the dogs very much. They are very interesting and lovely. They like to eat sausages. Because they are delicious.
the dogs always are people's best friend. It can help people to catch bad people and look after people's children or house.
How useful the dogs are!
5. 用英文写一篇关于狗的作文
我爱他们。 I have got o baby dogs. They are very beautiful. One is yellow. The other is white. They are very lovely. The yellow dog is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white dog is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby dogs bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them.。
6. 写小狗的英语作文(作文和翻译)
My dog(下面汉语翻译)
I've a dog and it's lovely and brave.
My dog has o clear eyes and four strong legs. It runs faster than any other dog, I believe. My dear dog's eyes can see something that other dog can't see, too.
My lovely dog is also very brave. It kept beasts(野兽) from attacting(袭击) me. That's my real experience(经历).
I love my dog and I shall pay more attention to it.
7. 写一篇我喜爱小狗的英文作文要求30字(有翻译)
Dog is my favorite pet,because they are cute and intelligent.People all know that dog is our friend,they can help us do a lot of things,and we can trust them because they are loyal.So i like dog very much.
8. 怎么写描写小狗的作文
(1) 大伯送我一只小狗,这样,我又多了一个小伙伴。
小狗的脸两边是黄色的,鼻子尖儿是白色的,耳朵是咖啡色的,白色的身体上带着咖啡色的花,爪子是白色的,尾巴也是白色的。真是一只漂亮的小花狗! 小狗喝水的时候,用粉红色的舌头舔着盘子里的水,舔得光光的。
它上厕所的时候,先扒门,如果没人给它开门,它就在门口上厕所。 小狗真有趣。
每当客人来得时候,它就兴奋,有时还尿尿呢!有一次,我给小狗一粒花生米,它看见了,先闻了一下,然后退一步,再闻一下,又后退一步,然后把花生米滚来滚去,玩了会儿,最后才吃。 小狗脾气真大。
上午,我先把小狗的饭碗放到镜子跟前,它就到镜子前吃饭,它看见镜子里也有一只狗,还以为是小偷来偷饭,所以就对着镜子汪汪叫,把我肚子都笑疼了。 我想给小花狗在家改善改善伙食,就出去买了几根火腿肠给它吃,它可高兴了,津津有味地吃起火腿肠来,一会儿就吃完了。
尽管小花狗很顽皮,但是我仍然爱着我的小花狗,它是我的好伙伴。(2) 中午,我和舅舅、舅妈在公园回家的路上,看见一只小 狗跟着两位大姐姐,我逗了一下小狗,小狗就跟着我了。
走了以后,我还常常给外公外婆打电话,问小狗怎么样,好不好。(3) 我曾经养过一只小狗,它的名字叫彤彤。
从此它在也不追小鸡和别的弱小的动物了。 从那以后,我更加喜欢彤彤了。
(4) 狗是一种聪明和敏捷的动物。在我家里有一条小狗,它和别的狗都是一样的,不过就是和别的狗不一样就是一个字“胖”。
我家的那条小狗有着一双圆溜溜的眼睛,再加上它那黑白相间的毛,我的那条小狗就好像戴着眼镜一样了,它的那毛茸茸的尾巴,更让人觉得它可爱了。 在它吃东西时,它会在它的肚子里传出“咕咕”的响声才会大口大口的吃,我给它的食物,我想它为什么会“咕咕”的响呢?可能是它整天跑来跑去才会这样吧,但是,它就是整天跑来跑去,为什么它就是不瘦呢? 还有,它在睡觉时特惹人喜爱。
它在睡觉时总爱左滚滚右滚滚的。有时它正要睡觉时,都要会左跳跳右跳跳,还没有来头的不停跳呢! 在它洗澡的时候,它都要热身一下,它左摇右摇,左拧右拧,然后再一跳跳进浴湓里,有时它还会跟我耍淘气,在浴盆里把水 *** 跟我玩耍,把我的衣服都弄湿了。
当它在浴盆里洗澡时,他会把前脚放在后盆外,再把后脚放在盆里,然后它再“呼”的一声叫出,它然后再慢慢的把眼睛闭上,我觉得它不是一条狗了,它可能是一条懒虫了。 我非常喜欢这一条懒虫狗,因为它给了我许多快乐,它真是我的好伙。
9. 写一篇我喜爱小狗的英文作文要求30字(有翻译)
Dog is my favorite pet,because they are cute and intelligent.People all know that dog is our friend,they can help us do a lot of things,and we can trust them because they are loyal.So i like dog very much.