1、Our new neighbors were a pair of deaf-mute couples, their garden was the best inthe whole block.新家的邻居有一对聋哑夫妇,家里的菜园是整个街区最好的。
2、i'm a mute, and had been communicating with him via pen and paper during theentire checkout process.我是个哑巴,至始至终都在用纸笔跟他交流。
3、The Mute Singer lowered his head and started to pray, the beggars were on theirknees, joining him in prayer.沉默的歌手低下头开始祈祷,乞巧们也跪下来一起祈祷。
4、A voice speaking Greek told him that l was a mute, had no wits and growled like abeast.个声音用希腊语告诉他我是个哑巴,失去了理智,并且会像野兽一样嚎叫。
5、In college, Luo Lan volunteered at a deaf-mute school for three years. She wasable to talk fluently with deaf-mutes in sign language.读大学时,罗兰当过3年的志愿者,定期去聋哑学校服务,她能熟练地和登哑人用手语交流。
6、The new neighbors were a deaf-mute aged couple, whose vegetable garden wasthe best of the whole zone.新家的邻居是对聋哑夫妇,家里的菜园是整个街区最好的。

2023-07-11 广告