
2014-08-28 · TA获得超过640个赞
其一: Times flys. My summer holiday is coming to the end. My holiday is just so so. It is not too much difference as before. At the biginning of the vacation, I was doing my homework. After all, study comes first. After I finished my homework, it was almost the end of July. It is the time for me to help my family for harvest. It is so tired to to the farm work. Howevr, being a member of our family, I have to give a hand. Watching the achievement, I felt proud though I just help a little. After finished the farm work, I found myself become much more tan. Who cares! It was my happy time, when I finished all the things. I went out with my friends almost everyday. Sometimes we played games or sport or went hiking. Sometimes we went shopping in the evening for the sun is too heavy in the daytime. We felt uncomfortable. But now there are two days left before the school opening time. So I have to stay at home for a good rest to store energy for my study. Everything is so perfect. It is 11 o’clock. I think I have to say good ninght now.
其二:The summer vacation is coming, this is the students the most anticipated, time that belongs to them, but one thing can not let them have fun, it's summer vacation homework, I want a happy summer holiday life.
Although the summer homework is not difficult, but to finish every school and parents summer work arrangements have to spend a long time. In this way, we have few time to play. Originally, in these times, we can play, can see, can hear a lot of things...... The summer job is boring and tedious. Do it right, but also so much homework every day, like "hoe hoe weeds, also could not finish......".And everyone to work as a "burden", not the "burden" out of play is also not happy. For example, to the outside is an outing, be always on tenterhooks lest back every day, do not finish, a school teacher would have been repaired to "scare the shit out of sb.", so, they cannot be absorbed in to feel the beauty of nature.
Even a student to play a lifelong disability. The thing is this: the summer vacation is coming, the students want to go to play with classmates, but my mom and dad are not allowed, he locked in the house, let him to do homework. In order to play him regardless of the danger even from the two floor jump down lead to disability.I also had been locked up in like "prison" as the home, want to go to my sister to play, but father and mother let me to do my homework at home. I don't want to. They locked the door to go to work. Although I am not the disabled students as foolish to jump down from the window, but still think constantly of playing with sister when the situation. The timid I dare not according to mom and dad so to do, but when I stand in the window to see out the window of the happy children playing, head "bang" brim over with tears, tears. At that time, I really hope that you once again return to the past, and her sister, brother playing happily.
In order that we can have a happy summer vacation without burden, we can let the teacher assign less homework a bit. More playing time, less homework time, this summer will truly become our "Happy Paradise", rather than "the hell".
My homework in the summer holiday
On the one hand, it is very happy to have such a long holiday. But on the other hand, it is really depressed to do so much homework: Chinese, Maths, English and other social activities.
Then, I have to spend all day long doing my homework instead of going out to have fun. In the morning, I must practise reading because I need to prepare for next term. After that, I use some paper to improve my handwriting. Next, it is time for me to do some maths exercise. Soon, I am so hungry that I would like to have my lunch. Following a short rest, I wil get up to go on with my homework since there are some books left for me to read...A day seems to go faster as I am lost in my homework. Finally, I have to face the new term.
As far as I am concerned, it is important to do some homewrok in the summer holiday. However, too much is unnecessary. Students should have their own time!
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