有一首男生唱的英文歌高潮部分是I wanna see you like that

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推荐于2017-09-24 · TA获得超过7454个赞
La la, la la
You were the popular one, the popular chick
It is what it is, now I’m popular bitch
Standing on the field with your pretty pompons
Now you’re working at the movie selling popular corn
I could have been a mess but I never went wrong
Cause I’m putting down my story in a popular song
Said I’m putting down my story in a popular song
My problem, I never was a model,
I never was a scholar,
You were always popular,
You were singing, all the songs I don’t know
Now you’re in the front row
Cause my song is popular
Popular, I know about popular
It’s not about who you are or your fancy car
You’re only ever who you were
Popular, I know about popular
And all that you have to do, is be true to you
That’s all you ever need to know
Catch up, cause you got an awful long way to do
Catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go
I was on the lookout for someone to hate
Picking on me like a dinner plate
I’d hit during classes, and in between them
Dunk me in the toilet sound to that cleans
You tried to make me feel bad with the shit you do
It ain’t so funny when the joke’s on you
Uh, the joke’s on you
And everyone’s laughing, got everyone clapping, asking
How come you look so cool?
Cause that’s the only thing that I’ve learned at school
So that’s the only thing I’ve learned at school
My problem, I never was a model,
I never was a scholar,
You were always popular,
You were singing, all the songs I don’t know
Now you’re in the front row
Cause my song is popular
Popular, I know about popular
It’s not about who you are or your fancy car
You’re only ever who you were
Popular, I know about popular
And all that you have to do, is be true to you

Catch up, cause you got an awful long way to do
Catch up, cause you got an awful long way to go
Before the next time that you calling me crazy
Lazy, a faggot, or that…
Here’s the one thing that’s so amazing
It ain’t about that to be a looser baby
All you ever need to know
You’re only ever who you were
All you ever need to know
You’re only ever who you were
All you ever need to know
Popular, I know about popular
It’s not about who you are or your fancy car
You’re only ever who you were
Popular, I know about popular
And all that you have to do, is be true to you
All you ever need to know
You’re only ever who you were
All you ever need to know
You’re only ever who you were
All you ever need to know
You’re only ever who you were
All you ever need to know
You’re only ever who you were
All you ever need to know
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