问:explain why collusive agreements often break down into competition and why repeated interaction by the firms may lessen this tendency
答:collusive agreements break down because,while they are profitable if everyone sticks to the monopoly price,a single firm can do even better if it sells slightly below the monopoly price while the other cartel members stick to the agreement.Thus everyone has the incentive to cheat.When the firms in the cartel interact with each other repeatedly,they have the chance to punish chaeating by responding with a lower price,and they can develop a reputation for sticking to the agreement so other firms will see it’s profitable to join them in keeping the price up. 展开
答:collusive agreements break down because,while they are profitable if everyone sticks to the monopoly price,a single firm can do even better if it sells slightly below the monopoly price while the other cartel members stick to the agreement.Thus everyone has the incentive to cheat.When the firms in the cartel interact with each other repeatedly,they have the chance to punish chaeating by responding with a lower price,and they can develop a reputation for sticking to the agreement so other firms will see it’s profitable to join them in keeping the price up. 展开