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2 Hu Guoding. On information stability of a sequence of channels. Theory Prob. Appl. , 1962, 7 (3): 271—282 (in Russian)
3 Hu Guoding. On shannon theorem and its converse for sequence of communication schemes in the case of abstract random variables. Transactions of the third Prague conference on information theory, statistical decision function, random processes, 1962, 285—332
4 Hu Guoding. On information quantities. Theory Prob. Appl., 1962, 7 (4): 447—455 (in Russian)
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6 Hu Guoding.Measures inσ-topological and topological spaces.Matem.Cσ,1963,T60(102)3:257-269
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8 胡国定.一般和周期过程通讯模型.南开大学学报,1964,5(5),159-198
9 Hu Guoding, Shen Shiyi. Some new results on information theory.IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1981
10 Hu Guoding, Shen Shiyi. On the channel coding theory with burst noise. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1982
11 Hu Guoding, Shen Shiyi. Some new results on information theory.IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 1984
12 Hu Guoding. On mathematical model of computing machine. J. of Comp. Sci. and Tech. , 1988, 3 (4) : 273—288
13 胡国定,张润楚.多元数据分析方法——纯代数处理.天津:南开大学出版社,1989
14 Hu Guoding. Parallel computation simulating sequential computation.Nankai Series in pure, applied mathematics and theoretical physies.World Scientific, 1993
15 Hu Guoding. On information and information reasoning, to be appeared 1997
16 Hu Guoding. Ordinary mathematics and formal mathematics, 1998
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