在ansys软件中x,y,z location in active cs是什么意思
Project 1 坝体计算析模型习题文件名:dam
1.1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: dam→OK
1.2设置计算类型 ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK
1.3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Quad 4node 42 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Plane Strain →OK→Close (the Element Type window)
1.4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:1.1e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK
1.5几何模型? 特征点ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依输入四点坐标:input:1(0,0),2(1,0),3(1,5),4(0.45,5) →OK? 坝体截面ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →Through KPS →依连接四特征点1(0,0),2(10,0),3(1,5),4(0.45,5) →OK
1.6 网格划 ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →依拾取两条横边:OK→input NDIV: 15 →Apply→依拾取两条纵边:OK →input NDIV: 20 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)
1.7 模型施加约束? 别给底边竖直纵边施加xy向约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On lines →pick the lines →OK →select Lab2:UX, UY → OK? 给斜边施加x向布载荷ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Parameters →Functions →Define/Edit →1) 拉列表框内选择x ,作设置变量;2) Result窗口现{X},写入所施加载荷函数:1000*{X}; 3) File>Save(文件扩展名:func) →返:Parameters →Functions →Read from file:需要.func文件打任给参数名表示随施加载荷→OK →ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Lines →拾取斜边;OK →拉列表框选择:Existing table →OK →选择需要载荷参数名→OK
1.8 析计算 ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
1.9 结显示 ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window)→Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UX,UY, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,SX,SY,SZ, Def + Undeformed→OK
1.10 退系统 ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK
Project 2 受内压作用球体限元建模与析计算习题文件名: sphere
2.1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: sphere→OK
2.2设置计算类型 ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences… →select Structural → OK
2.3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Quad 4node 42 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Axisymmetric →OK→Close (the Element Type window)
2.4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:1.1e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK
2.5几何模型? 特征点ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依输入四点坐标:input:1(0.3,0),2(0.5,0),3(0,0.5),4(0,0.3) →OK? 球体截面ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Work Plane>Change Active CS to>Global Spherical →ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →In Active Coord →依连接1,2,3,4点→OK →Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →By Lines →依拾取四条边→OK →ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Work Plane>Change Active CS to>Global Cartesian
2.6 网格划 ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →拾取两条直边:OK→input NDIV: 10 →Apply→拾取两条曲边:OK →input NDIV: 20 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)
2.7 模型施加约束? 给水平直边施加约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →On Lines →拾取水平边:Lab2: UY → OK ? 给竖直边施加约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement Symmetry B.C. →On Lines →拾取竖直边 →OK? 给内弧施加径向布载荷ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Lines →拾取圆弧;OK →input VALUE:100e6 →OK
2.8 析计算 ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
2.9 结显示 ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UX,UY, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,SX,SY,SZ,Def + Undeformed→OK
2.10 退系统 ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK
Project 3 受内压作用厚壁圆筒限元建模与析计算习题文件名: cylinder
3.1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →input Initial jobname: cylinder→OK
3.2设置计算类型 ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences… →select Structural → OK
3.3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Brick 20node 95 →OK (back to Element Types window) →Close (the Element Type window)
3.4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:2.0e5, PRXY:0.3 → OK
3.5几何模型? 60度圆环面ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Circle→Partial Annulus→依输入圆环面圆、内径R1、启始角θ1、外径R2、终止角θ2、→OK? 拉伸三维物体ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Operate→Extrude→Areas→By XYZ Offset→选择圆环面→Z偏移量(即:半厚度)20→OK
3.6 网格划 ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →拾取条直边:OK→input NDIV: 10 →Apply→另条直边:OK→input NDIV: 3 →Apply→拾取条曲边:OK →input NDIV: 20 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: volume, Shape: Hex, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)
3.7 模型施加约束? 给底平面施加称约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →Symmetry BC→On Areas→拾取底面:Apply→ OK ? 给斜面施加称约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →Symmetry BC→On Areas→拾取斜面:Apply→ OK? 给侧面施加称约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →Symmetry BC→On Areas→拾取侧面:Apply→ OK? 给内弧面施加径向布载荷ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Areas →拾取内弧面;OK →input VALUE:10 →OK
3.8 析计算 ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
3.9 结显示 ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UX,UY, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,SX,SY,SZ,Def + Undeformed→OK
3.10 退系统 ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK
Project 1 坝体计算析模型习题文件名:dam
1.1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: dam→OK
1.2设置计算类型 ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences →select Structural → OK
1.3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Quad 4node 42 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Plane Strain →OK→Close (the Element Type window)
1.4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:1.1e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK
1.5几何模型? 特征点ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依输入四点坐标:input:1(0,0),2(1,0),3(1,5),4(0.45,5) →OK? 坝体截面ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →Through KPS →依连接四特征点1(0,0),2(10,0),3(1,5),4(0.45,5) →OK
1.6 网格划 ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →依拾取两条横边:OK→input NDIV: 15 →Apply→依拾取两条纵边:OK →input NDIV: 20 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)
1.7 模型施加约束? 别给底边竖直纵边施加xy向约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement → On lines →pick the lines →OK →select Lab2:UX, UY → OK? 给斜边施加x向布载荷ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Parameters →Functions →Define/Edit →1) 拉列表框内选择x ,作设置变量;2) Result窗口现{X},写入所施加载荷函数:1000*{X}; 3) File>Save(文件扩展名:func) →返:Parameters →Functions →Read from file:需要.func文件打任给参数名表示随施加载荷→OK →ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Lines →拾取斜边;OK →拉列表框选择:Existing table →OK →选择需要载荷参数名→OK
1.8 析计算 ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
1.9 结显示 ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window)→Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UX,UY, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,SX,SY,SZ, Def + Undeformed→OK
1.10 退系统 ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK
Project 2 受内压作用球体限元建模与析计算习题文件名: sphere
2.1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →change the working directory into yours →input Initial jobname: sphere→OK
2.2设置计算类型 ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences… →select Structural → OK
2.3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Quad 4node 42 →OK (back to Element Types window) → Options… →select K3: Axisymmetric →OK→Close (the Element Type window)
2.4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:1.1e11, PRXY:0.3 → OK
2.5几何模型? 特征点ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Keypoints →In Active CS →依输入四点坐标:input:1(0.3,0),2(0.5,0),3(0,0.5),4(0,0.3) →OK? 球体截面ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Work Plane>Change Active CS to>Global Spherical →ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Lines →In Active Coord →依连接1,2,3,4点→OK →Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Arbitrary →By Lines →依拾取四条边→OK →ANSYS 命令菜单栏: Work Plane>Change Active CS to>Global Cartesian
2.6 网格划 ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →拾取两条直边:OK→input NDIV: 10 →Apply→拾取两条曲边:OK →input NDIV: 20 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: Areas, Shape: Quad, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)
2.7 模型施加约束? 给水平直边施加约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →On Lines →拾取水平边:Lab2: UY → OK ? 给竖直边施加约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement Symmetry B.C. →On Lines →拾取竖直边 →OK? 给内弧施加径向布载荷ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Lines →拾取圆弧;OK →input VALUE:100e6 →OK
2.8 析计算 ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
2.9 结显示 ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UX,UY, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,SX,SY,SZ,Def + Undeformed→OK
2.10 退系统 ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK
Project 3 受内压作用厚壁圆筒限元建模与析计算习题文件名: cylinder
3.1 进入ANSYS程序 →ANSYSED 10.0 →input Initial jobname: cylinder→OK
3.2设置计算类型 ANSYS Main Menu: Preferences… →select Structural → OK
3.3选择单元类型ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Element Type→Add/Edit/Delete →Add →select Solid Brick 20node 95 →OK (back to Element Types window) →Close (the Element Type window)
3.4定义材料参数ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Material Props →Material Models →Structural →Linear →Elastic →Isotropic →input EX:2.0e5, PRXY:0.3 → OK
3.5几何模型? 60度圆环面ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Create →Areas →Circle→Partial Annulus→依输入圆环面圆、内径R1、启始角θ1、外径R2、终止角θ2、→OK? 拉伸三维物体ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Modeling →Operate→Extrude→Areas→By XYZ Offset→选择圆环面→Z偏移量(即:半厚度)20→OK
3.6 网格划 ANSYS Main Menu: Preprocessor →Meshing →Mesh Tool→(Size Controls) lines: Set →拾取条直边:OK→input NDIV: 10 →Apply→另条直边:OK→input NDIV: 3 →Apply→拾取条曲边:OK →input NDIV: 20 →OK →(back to the mesh tool window)Mesh: volume, Shape: Hex, Mapped →Mesh →Pick All (in Picking Menu) → Close( the Mesh Tool window)
3.7 模型施加约束? 给底平面施加称约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →Symmetry BC→On Areas→拾取底面:Apply→ OK ? 给斜面施加称约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →Symmetry BC→On Areas→拾取斜面:Apply→ OK? 给侧面施加称约束ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Displacement →Symmetry BC→On Areas→拾取侧面:Apply→ OK? 给内弧面施加径向布载荷ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Define Loads →Apply →Structural →Pressure →On Areas →拾取内弧面;OK →input VALUE:10 →OK
3.8 析计算 ANSYS Main Menu: Solution →Solve →Current LS →OK(to close the solve Current Load Step window) →OK
3.9 结显示 ANSYS Main Menu: General Postproc →Plot Results →Deformed Shape… → select Def + Undeformed →OK (back to Plot Results window) →Contour Plot →Nodal Solu… →select: DOF solution, UX,UY, Def + Undeformed , Stress ,SX,SY,SZ,Def + Undeformed→OK
3.10 退系统 ANSYS Utility Menu: File→ Exit…→ Save Everything→OK