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30minutes的歌词的中文意思是什么?
1个回答
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30minutes
Mama,
Papa
forgive
me
妈妈、爸爸原谅我吧
Out
of
sight,
Out
of
mind
跨越旁人眼神,远离思绪理智
Out
of
time,
To
decide
不顾时间流逝,好来做下决定
Do
we
run?,
Should
hide?
我们要逃避吗?我该隐藏吗?
For
the
rest,
Of
My
life
在我剩余的人生里
Can
we
fly?,
Do
stay?
我们能飞翔吗?我们该留下吗?
We
could
lose,
We
could
fail
我们可能失败,我们可能放弃
In
the
moment,
It
takes
随着分秒,渐渐流逝
To
make
plans,
Or
Mistakes
我们要把握未来,或是犯下错误
Thirty
minutes,
a
blink
of
an
eye
三十分钟,是夜晚的一眨眼
Thirty
minutes,
to
alter
our
lives
三十分钟能改变我们的世界
Thirty
minutes,
to
make
up
my
mind
三十分钟能够确认我的心意
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
Thirty
minutes,
to
whisper
your
name
三十分钟好去呢喃你的姓名
Thirty
minutes,
to
shoulder
the
blame
三十分钟能抵挡一切的烦忧
Thirty
minutes,
of
bliss,
thirty
lies
三十分钟的狂喜与三十个谎言
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
Carousels,
in
the
sky
旋转木马高挂在天上
That
we
shape,
with
our
eyes
是我们用双眼所编织的想象
Under
shade,
silhouettes
螫伏在阴影的黑色轮廓
Casting
shade,
Crying
rain...
所投掷出的哭泣雨滴中
Can
we
fly?
Do
stay?
我们能飞翔吗?我该留下吗?
We
could
lose,
we
could
fail...
我们可能会失败,我们可能会放弃
Either
way
任何的决定
Options
change,
Chances
fail
结局都会改变,运气若用尽
Trains
derail
世界就会毁灭
Thirty
minutes,
a
blink
of
an
eye
三十分钟,是夜晚的一眨眼
Thirty
minutes,
to
alter
our
lives
三十分钟能改变我们的世界
Thirty
minutes,
to
make
up
my
mind
三十分钟能够确认我的心意
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
Thirty
minutes,
to
whisper
your
name
三十分钟好去呢喃你的姓名
Thirty
minutes,
to
shoulder
the
blame
三十分钟能抵挡一切的烦忧
Thirty
minutes,
of
bliss,
thirty
lies
三十分钟的狂喜与三十个谎言
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
To
decide
好来真的做下决定
To
decide
做下决定
To
decide
做下决定
To
decide
做下决定。。。。
Mama,
Papa
forgive
me
妈妈、爸爸原谅我吧
Out
of
sight,
Out
of
mind
跨越旁人眼神,远离思绪理智
Out
of
time,
To
decide
不顾时间流逝,好来做下决定
Do
we
run?,
Should
hide?
我们要逃避吗?我该隐藏吗?
For
the
rest,
Of
My
life
在我剩余的人生里
Can
we
fly?,
Do
stay?
我们能飞翔吗?我们该留下吗?
We
could
lose,
We
could
fail
我们可能失败,我们可能放弃
In
the
moment,
It
takes
随着分秒,渐渐流逝
To
make
plans,
Or
Mistakes
我们要把握未来,或是犯下错误
Thirty
minutes,
a
blink
of
an
eye
三十分钟,是夜晚的一眨眼
Thirty
minutes,
to
alter
our
lives
三十分钟能改变我们的世界
Thirty
minutes,
to
make
up
my
mind
三十分钟能够确认我的心意
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
Thirty
minutes,
to
whisper
your
name
三十分钟好去呢喃你的姓名
Thirty
minutes,
to
shoulder
the
blame
三十分钟能抵挡一切的烦忧
Thirty
minutes,
of
bliss,
thirty
lies
三十分钟的狂喜与三十个谎言
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
Carousels,
in
the
sky
旋转木马高挂在天上
That
we
shape,
with
our
eyes
是我们用双眼所编织的想象
Under
shade,
silhouettes
螫伏在阴影的黑色轮廓
Casting
shade,
Crying
rain...
所投掷出的哭泣雨滴中
Can
we
fly?
Do
stay?
我们能飞翔吗?我该留下吗?
We
could
lose,
we
could
fail...
我们可能会失败,我们可能会放弃
Either
way
任何的决定
Options
change,
Chances
fail
结局都会改变,运气若用尽
Trains
derail
世界就会毁灭
Thirty
minutes,
a
blink
of
an
eye
三十分钟,是夜晚的一眨眼
Thirty
minutes,
to
alter
our
lives
三十分钟能改变我们的世界
Thirty
minutes,
to
make
up
my
mind
三十分钟能够确认我的心意
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
Thirty
minutes,
to
whisper
your
name
三十分钟好去呢喃你的姓名
Thirty
minutes,
to
shoulder
the
blame
三十分钟能抵挡一切的烦忧
Thirty
minutes,
of
bliss,
thirty
lies
三十分钟的狂喜与三十个谎言
Thirty
minutes,
to
finally
decide
三十分钟好来真的做下决定
To
decide
好来真的做下决定
To
decide
做下决定
To
decide
做下决定
To
decide
做下决定。。。。
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