should college students do a part -time job 求以前作
Should college students do part-time job?
With the economic development of our country,more and more college students are engaged in the activities of doing part-timejobs. People wonder whether it is good or bad for students to do so.
It goeswithout saying that working part-time in school has some advantages. First,a part-time job brings students more money and helps them to reduce theirparents’ economic burdens. Second, it offers them a chance to demonstrate theirability and to apply what they have learned in school .Third, it helps them togain some social and economic knowledge and to practice their sociable abilities, which are of greathelp to their future careers. Finally, it enriches their school life.
But this activitymay also bring some disadvantages to the students. First ,too much part-timeworking may lose their time needed for sleep ,rest , study and reaction .Secondly,it may affect their studies if they come back with tiredness .And as a result,their studies are going down .Finally ,more money may bring bad effects onsome of the students who spend it smoking ,drinking ,dressing rather thanstudying .
In my opinion,those students should keep a balancebetween study and the job .As a student ,acquiring more knowledge ,especiallymore useful knowledge from books ,is the main task .Although a part-time jobcan do you a world of good, you should not spend too much time on it .
With the economic development of our country,more and more college students are engaged in the activities of doing part-timejobs. People wonder whether it is good or bad for students to do so.
It goeswithout saying that working part-time in school has some advantages. First,a part-time job brings students more money and helps them to reduce theirparents’ economic burdens. Second, it offers them a chance to demonstrate theirability and to apply what they have learned in school .Third, it helps them togain some social and economic knowledge and to practice their sociable abilities, which are of greathelp to their future careers. Finally, it enriches their school life.
But this activitymay also bring some disadvantages to the students. First ,too much part-timeworking may lose their time needed for sleep ,rest , study and reaction .Secondly,it may affect their studies if they come back with tiredness .And as a result,their studies are going down .Finally ,more money may bring bad effects onsome of the students who spend it smoking ,drinking ,dressing rather thanstudying .
In my opinion,those students should keep a balancebetween study and the job .As a student ,acquiring more knowledge ,especiallymore useful knowledge from books ,is the main task .Although a part-time jobcan do you a world of good, you should not spend too much time on it .