凯蒂猫英文Hello Kitty。
1、作为日本的标志性卡通形象,去年,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的身价在70亿美元左右。
The Japanese icon last year was worth about$ 7 billion.
2、早期,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的形象衍生出了一系列产品,包括玩偶、文具、书包,主要面向少女。
The character early was marketed to young girls with products ranging from dolls to school supplies to backpacks.
3、据Deadline报道,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)动画电影将于2019年上映。
Hello Kitty will appear in an animated feature set for release in 2019, according to an article by Deadline.
4、1975年,专注于萌系日本流行文化的三丽鸥公司创造了凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的形象。
Hello Kitty was created in 1975 by the Sanrio lifestyle company that specializes in the cute sector of Japanese popular culture.
5、根据其官方人物资料,凯蒂猫(Hello Kitty)的出生地是伦敦郊区,她的全名是凯蒂·怀特(Kitty White)。
Hello Kitty, according to her official character profile, was born in the suburbs of London and her full name is Kitty White.
Hello Kitty的第一代设计师清水侑子在设计之初想到小孩子喜欢的动物,不外乎小熊、小狗和小猫而已,由于前两者早已被推出过,因此她便决定采用最喜欢的猫咪了,因此这只系上红色蝴蝶结的可爱女孩便出现在钱包上。