英语学习资料:2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module4 Unit 3

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2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module4 Unit 3
Tomorrow's world           

1. In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the “r” sounds at the end of the words ______.
A. are dropped B. drop
C. are being dropped D. have dropped
2. — The 3­D film provides new experiences of ______ space.
— Yes. You can even take ______ journey to the end of the solar system.
A. the; a B. /; a
C. the; the D. /; the
3. Some people were tricked ______ believing what he said, but ______ reality, he is always telling lies.
A. to; in B. into; in
C. to; on D. into; on
4. New Yorkers have their own ______ way of celebrating Saint Patrick's Day, which you can't find in other cities.
A. passive B. amazing
C. winning D. unique
5. Not only ______ us around places of interest, but also ______ us a wonderful lecture.
A. did Kevin show; he gave
B. Kevin showed; he gave
C. Kevin showed; did he give
D. did Kevin show; did he give
6. I have no idea about how to make the most of my spare time; so my father ______ several good suggestions to guide me.
A. looked forward to B. put forward
C. hung on D. came across
7. Generally speaking, one is paid ______ the amount of work he does.
A. as to B. along with
C. according to D. aside from
8. The church tower which ______ will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.
A. has restored B. has been restored
C. is restoring D. is being restored
9. Can you telephone me ______ your convenience to arrange a meeting?
A. at B. for
C. on D. with
10. You've failed to do what you ______ to and I'm afraid the teacher will blame you.
A. will expect B. will be expected
C. expected D. were expected
11. John is very ______ — he is sure that he has the ability to deal with the difficult situation.
A. unusual B. innocent
C. fortunate D. confident
12. Your natural black hair begins to ______ as you grow older, and eventually goes grey.
A. lose B. disappear
C. fade D. survive
13. The Titanic sank on its maiden ______ in the Atlantic Ocean.
A. trip B. journey
C. travel D. voyage
14. ______ the plan sounded great, it failed due to various difficulties we hadn't expected.
A. When B. Once
C. Since D. While
15. ______ the accident secret from his family, Tom hasn't visited his parents for two months.
A. Being kept B. To keep
C. Keep D. Kept
I have been curious about science. So when I heard about the Google Science Fair(博览会), I __1__ it. My project focused on ovarian cancer(卵巢癌). It was a topic I was __2__ in. When I submitted(提交) my project online, however, I felt slightly worried.
Last spring, a group of famous judges __3__ the top 15 winners, and I was lucky to bee one of them. In June, I boarded a plane to Mountain View, California, where we were provided a chance for __4__ among the winners and with the judges. We participated in group science activities, and we met the world­famous scientists who served as judges. It was __5__ to talk about our projects with them. At the final award­giving __6__, I was sitting with Vint Cerf, the father of the Inter.
Winning the Grand Prize __7__ many incredible opportunities, like meeting the President. But the most exciting thing was what changed about myself. Before, the famous scientists seemed superhuman. When I met them in __8__, I realized that they were just really intelligent and really hard­working — the kind of person everyone has the __9__ to bee.
I now hear from many people who have suffered from ovarian cancer. They thank me for my work. I also hear from students around the world asking me how I did my research. I feel really __10__ to be able to be a scientific role model to other young people.
Participating in a science fair is a(n) __11__. But it's worth it. My advice to young, curious minds is to find what you love to do. Stick to it and it will __12__ in the end. The 2011 Google Science Fair changed my life.
1. A. signed up for B. made up for
C. put up with D. came up with
2. A. engaged B. absorbed
C. caught D. interested
3. A. named B. selected
C. organized D. evaluated
4. A. interruption B. presentation
C. interaction D. connection
5. A. annoying B. amazing
C. disappointing D. inspiring
6. A. ceremony B. mittee
C. conference D. formation
7. A. resulted from B. arrived at
C. called for D. contributed to
8. A. reality B. person
C. doubt D. public
9. A. skill B. power
C. potential D. motivation
10. A. sorry B. mild
C. bitter D. proud
11. A. challenge B. opportunity
C. test D. experience
12. A. break down B. speed up
C. pay off D. work out
If you pay a visit to this restaurant, in downtown Harbin, you will find 18 robots — from a waitress to a cooker — ready to ensure your dining experience is perfect.
When 1.__________ diner walks in, the usher robot extends his arm to the side, saying “Earth Person, Hello, Wele 2.__________ the Robot Restaurant.” After the diners have ordered, the robots in the kitchen set 3.__________ to cook. Once the dish is prepared, a robot waiter, 4.__________ runs along tracks on the floor, carries 5.__________ from the kitchen to the table. Prepared dishes are placed on a suspended conveyor(传送)belt. 6.__________ the plate reaches the right table, the mechanical arms lift it off and set it down.
After the busy times during the day, the robot will go for a “meal”. After a two­hour charge the robot can work continuously 7.__________ 5 hours.
The restaurant now provides a menu with more than 30 dishes, 8.__________ the average cost for a diner is 40 to 50 yuan.
Two organizations have announced plans to send people to Mars within the next 10 years.
The Inspiration Mars Foundation, an American­based nonprofit organization, intends to send two people — probably a married couple — on a 501­day mission that will fly around Mars and return to Earth. They hope to launch in 2018. Mars One, a Dutch private pany, wants to land a team of four people on Mars by 2023. These people will settle on Mars forever.
Mars is the most Earth­like pla we know, but it still is a very different world. Surviving on Mars will not be easy. Mars is a frozen desert, with no liquid water on its surface and a climate that makes Antarctica look fortable. Mars' atmosphere is thinner than that of Earth. The little air there is mainly made up of carbon dioxide which is unfit to breathe. Strong radiation(辐射) from the sun and other stars reaches the surface and would ruin their health if residents didn't wear spacesuits in the open air.
Is there life on Mars? Not on the surface, most likely. Conditions are too harsh there. But microbial(微生物的)life might exist deep underground. Or maybe there are other forms of life, new to the earth. We just don't know. That's one of the reasons for going there.
Ever since humans came into being on Earth, humans have always been explorers, seeking new lands and new opportunities. Now we're reaching farther than ever before. Human societies exist everywhere on Earth, even in frozen Antarctica. We have explored the deepest oceans and the highest mountains. At this moment there are half a dozen humans living aboard the International Space Station, orbiting the Earth a few hundred miles overhead. Is Mars the next human exploration destination?
What will we gain from going to Mars? There's no gold or silver there. No oil. No natural resources worth mentioning.
But it is the humans' curiosity that urges humans to explore the unknown world. New knowledge is something to treasure, for from new knowledge eventually e new abilities, and new understanding of the way the universe works.
Would you go to Mars, given the chance? Why not?
1. Which of the following is true of the plan of Mars One?
A. They will send two married couples to Mars.
B. The four people will return to Earth in 2023.
C. The four people will never return to the earth.
D. It will take 501 days for the four people to reach Mars.
2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. Surviving on Mars will be very difficult.
B. Mars is the most Earth­like pla.
C. Mars is a frozen desert with no water.
D. Sending people to Mars is no easy job.  3. What do you know about the climate of Mars?
A. Mars is very hot.
B. Mars is very mild.
C. Mars is very cool.
D. Mars is very cold.
4. We can infer that future residents on Mars ______.
A. have to wear spacesuits outdoors
B. don't have to wear spacesuits
C. can breathe the air freely on Mars
D. can get water from Mars' surface
5. At present, how many astronauts are living aboard the International Space Station?
A. Four. B. Six.
C. Eight. D. Twelve.
After experiencing heavy casualties(伤亡)and damage in powerful earthquakes since 2008, China is developing a way to give at least a few extra seconds' warning for those near quake epicenters(震中).
The system, called the National Earthquake Early Warning System, which will cost about 2 billion yuan, is expected to be built before 2017. The system mainly includes the construction of more than 5,000 quake­monitoring stations across the country.
The system works by detecting earthquake­related shakings in the form of P­waves. P­waves move rapidly but are harmless, and they arrive before the more powerful and destructive S­waves. S­waves travel more slowly. So detecting P­waves with the system can provide a few precious seconds for people to escape before the more powerful S­waves arrive.
The system is designed to rapidly detect the initiation of an earthquake, and it can determine how big the earthquake is and where it is located. The system can also issue a warning to people immediately through TV, short messages and emails. If quake­monitoring stations are about 30 km apart, the system can issue warning information about 10 seconds after a quake happens below ground.
As earthquakes cannot be predicted, getting people to safety quickly before the destructive S­waves arrive can decrease casualties and reduce damage. Experts estimate that casualties could be reduced by 14 percent with a three­second advance warning of an earthquake, and 39 percent with a 10­second warning. And the few seconds of warning can also help a train driver slow down to avoid possible derailment, and give a shutdown signal to chemical factories or nuclear plants to prevent potential leaks and fires.
But the system has its limitations. The S­waves generally move at a speed of 3.5 km per second, which means before the warning is issued, S­waves have already spread in a radius(半径)of 35 km from the epicenter. The area within the 35­km radius of the epicenter called the “blind area” cannot be warned. The system cannot play a role in *** all quakes, either.

Unit 3
Ⅰ.1. A 考查被动语态。sounds和drop之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态形式。本句讲的是一般性的情况,应用一般现在时态。句意:在美国一些地方的英语口语中,词尾的“r”音省掉了。
2. B 考查冠词用法。space意为“太空”时,其前不用冠词。根据句意可知,journey此处为泛指,故其前用不定冠词。
3. B 考查介词搭配。trick *** . into doing sth. 诱使某人做某事; in reality 事实上,实际上,二者均为固定搭配。
4. D 考查形容词词义辨析。unique 独特的,符合句意。passive 被动的; amazing 令人吃惊的; winning 获胜的。
5. A 考查倒装句式。not only 置于句首时,前分句需部分倒装,后分句不倒装。句意:凯文不仅带我们参观了名胜,还给我们作了精彩的演讲。
6. B 考查动词短语辨析。put forward在此意为“提出”,符合句意。look forward to 盼望; hang on 坚持; e across 遇到。
7. C 考查介词短语意义。句意: 一般来讲,一个人的工资是根据工作量来算。according to 根据,按照,符合句意。as to 至于,关于; along with 和……一起; aside from 除了。
8. D 考查时态和被动语态。根据语境will be open to tourists soon可以判断这座塔正在修复当中,故用现在进行时态。定语从句的主语which与restore之间存在被动关系,故用现在进行时的被动语态形式。
9. A 考查介词搭配。at *** .'s convenience为固定结构,意为“在某人方便时”。句意:你能否在你方便时给我来个电话,安排一次见面?
10. D 考查动词时态和语态。宾语从句的主语you和expect之间存在被动关系,故用被动语态。根据语境expect的动作应在过去发生,故用一般过去时态。句意:你没有做到你被期待的事情,恐怕老师会责怪你的。
11. D 考查形容词词义辨析。confident 自信的,符合句意。unusual 不寻常的,不一般的; innocent 清白的,无辜的; fortunate 幸运的。
12. C 考查动词词义辨析。fade在此是“褪色”之意,符合句意。句意:当你变老的时候,你的自然黑色头发开始褪色,最终全部变成了灰白色。
13. D 考查名词词义辨析。voyage指海上的旅行,符合句意。句意:泰坦尼克号在它第一次在大西洋的航行中就沉没了。
14. D 考查状语从句。句意:尽管这个计划听起来不错,但由于各种没有预料到的困难,计划没有奏效。while意为 “尽管”,引导让步状语从句。
15. B 考查非谓语动词。此处为动词不定式短语作目的状语。句意:为了不让家人知道这次事故,Tom两个月没有探望父母。
Ⅱ.A 1. A “我”一听说谷歌科技博览会比赛,“我”就报了名。sign up for 意为“报名”,符合句意。make up for 弥补; put up with 忍受; e up with 想出,提出。
2. D 从最后一段My advice to young, curious minds is to find what you love to do.可以判断作者对这个课题感兴趣。
3. B select意为“选择,精选”,符合句意。name 命名; organize 组织; evaluate 评估。
4. C 组委会给“我们”提供了与其他获胜选手和评委互动的机会。interaction 意为“相互影响,互动”,符合句意。 interruption 打断; presentation 呈现; connection 联系。
5. D 与这些著名科学家谈论自己的课题令人鼓舞。inspiring 意为“令人鼓舞的”,符合句意。annoying 恼怒的; amazing 吃惊的; disappointing 令人失望的。
6. A award­giving ceremony是“颁奖仪式”之意,符合句意。
7. D 获得大奖导致了许多难以置信的机会。contribute to意为“导致,促使”,符合句意。 result from 因……引起; arrive at 到达,得出(结论等); call for 要求,需要。
8. B in person意为“亲自, 当面”,符合句意。in reality 事实上; in doubt 怀疑; in public 在公共场合。
9. C potential意为“潜力”,符合句意。skill 技能; power 权力,能量; motivation 动机,动力。
10. D 能成为其他年轻人的榜样当然是件感到自豪的事情。
11. A 参加科技博览会比赛是一次挑战,但非常值得。
12. C pay off 在此意为“取得成功,得到好结果”,符合句意。break down 垮掉,解体,分解; speed up 加速; work out 算出,解决,锻炼,进展。
B 1. a 不定冠词在此表泛指。
2. to wele to为固定搭配,意为“欢迎你到……来”。
3. out set out to do sth.为动词短语,意为“着手做某事”。
4. which which在此引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰robot waiter。
5. it 此处缺少动词宾语,故考虑填代词或名词。it指代前面的dish。
6. When 时间状语从句缺少从属连词,根据句意填when。
7. for 后面为表一段时间,故用介词for。
8. and 前后句为并列关系,故用并列连词and。
Ⅲ.1. C 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句These people will settle on Mars forever.可知“火星一号”计划招募的四个人将永远在火星定居,不再返回地球。
2. A 主旨大意题。根据本段的内容可知本段主要讲能在火星上生存下来不是件容易的事情。
3. D 细节理解题。根据第三段第三句Mars is a frozen desert可知火星非常寒冷。
4. A 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句可知火星上太阳辐射太强,如果在户外 *** 太空服的话,将对身体造成非常严重的损伤,故A项最佳。
5. B 细节理解题。根据第五段第五句At this moment there are half a dozen humans living aboard the International Space Station可知目前有六位宇航员正在国际空间站里工作和生活。
Ⅳ.1. before 2017 直接信息题。根据is expected to be built before 2017可知这个地震预警系统预计在2017年前建设完。
2. building over 5,000 整合信息题。根据The system mainly includes the construction of more than 5,000 quake­monitoring stations across the country.可知地震预警系统主要是在全国建设5,000多个地震监测站。
3. Working principles 概括信息题。根据右边的信息可知本处主要讲地震预警系统的工作原理。
4. earlier 整合信息题。根据P­waves move rapidly but are harmless, and they arrive before the more powerful and destructive S­waves.可知危害不大的P波早于破坏力极大的S波。
5. size and location 整合信息题。根据it can determine how big the earthquake is and where it is located可知地震预警系统可判断地震的大小、位置等信息。
6. Issuing 整合信息题。根据The system can also issue a warning to people immediately through TV, short messages and emails.可知地震预警系统可以通过电视、短信或电子邮件迅速向人们发出逃生警报。
7. Advantages/Benefits 概括信息题。根据右边的信息可知本处主要讲地震预警系统带来的好处。
8. more lives 整合信息题。根据getting people to safety quickly before the destructive S­waves arrive can decrease casualties可知地震预警系统能减少伤亡,即挽救更多的生命。
9. train 整合信息题。根据And the few seconds of warning can also help a train driver slow down to avoid possible derailment可知地震预警系统能有效防止火车出轨事故的发生。
10. blind 直接信息题。根据The area within the 35­km radius of the epicenter called the “blind area” cannot be warned.可知地震预警系统在“盲区”发挥不了作用。

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