This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth.Men have wasted away in front of it.Even gone mad.It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
Working hard is important, but there's something that matters even more: believing in yourself.
3、前方的路充满黑暗和艰难,很快我们就要做出选择,是选择坚持, 还是选择逃避。但记住这里有你的朋友, 你并不孤单。
Dark and different times lie ahead. Soon We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. But remember this : you have friends here. You' re not alone.
But know this: The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here.
It made all the difference in the world. You uncovered the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference.
There is no good and evil.There is only power and those too weak to seek it.