纪念碑谷(Monument Valley)
波西亚时光(The Gardens Between)
白色情人节(Whispering Willows)
千姬大战(Senko no Ronde)
影子之心(Shadow Hearts)
失落的城堡(The Room)
机甲大师(War Robots)
风暴之眼(The Eye of the Storm)
无尽战区(Infinite Tanks)
冒险岛M(MapleStory M)
极品飞车:无限(Need for Speed: No Limits)
战争机器(War Machines: Tank Battle)
战地风云:英雄(Battlefield Heroes)
复古太空射击(Retro Space Shooter)
逆转裁判:成步堂选集(Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright Trilogy HD)
银河战士(Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)
大小谎言(Lie to Me: The Game)
旅行青蛙(Tabikaeru: Travel Frog)
鬼泣:恶魔之子(Devil May Cry 4)
红色警戒:战略版(Red Alert: A Path Beyond)