1. In short the miseries of mankind are largely due to their putting a false value on things—to giving “too much for their whistles”.
2.The monther fell into despair at the idea that her son sacrificed on the battle.
3. When English is concerned , I am like a babe in the woods for safekeeping.
4. People put money in the bank for safekeeping .
5. Having flourished in my own authentically kvetchy way, I believe that we would be better off if we let everyone be themselves — positive, negative, or even somewhere in-between.
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2.The monther fell into despair at the idea that her son sacrificed on the battle.
3. When English is concerned , I am like a babe in the woods for safekeeping.
4. People put money in the bank for safekeeping .
5. Having flourished in my own authentically kvetchy way, I believe that we would be better off if we let everyone be themselves — positive, negative, or even somewhere in-between.
大家好,请给予翻译。我要提高奖赏 展开