英语作文,快点,急需..???马上就要 10
1 从前,森林里住着一群动物,它们每天高兴地玩耍;
2 太阳也想加入它们,但因为太阳太热了,动物们都躲藏起来了;
3 太阳很伤心,它躲进云里不肯出来。没有了太阳,生活太没意思了;
4 动物们想了一个办法,等晚上太阳不太热的时候再和他一起玩;
5 太阳又高兴起来,快乐又回到了这片森林。 展开
2 太阳也想加入它们,但因为太阳太热了,动物们都躲藏起来了;
3 太阳很伤心,它躲进云里不肯出来。没有了太阳,生活太没意思了;
4 动物们想了一个办法,等晚上太阳不太热的时候再和他一起玩;
5 太阳又高兴起来,快乐又回到了这片森林。 展开
long long ago, in the forest lived a group of animals.they played happily everyday. the sun wanted to join them as well. but the sun was too hot, and all the animals hidded themselves. the sun felt blue . then it went into the crowd and did not want to go out. without the sun, life is meaningless. an idea came up to the animal's minds. they planned to play with the sun in the evening when the sun was not hot. the sun turned happy again, and happiness went back to the forest.