
我从儿时便开始对美国的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣,在对它深入了解的过程中,我渐渐认识到了美国与中国同属北半球,并且同样具有重要的地位,通过我从各方面的了解,我发现美国是高度... 我从儿时便开始对美国的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣,在对它深入了解的过程中,我渐渐认识到了美国与中国同属北半球,并且同样具有重要的地位,通过我从各方面的了解,我发现美国是高度发达的资本主义国家,其政治、经济、军事、文化、创新等实领衔全球。作为世界第一军事大国,其高等教育水平和科研技术水平也是当之无愧的世界第一,其科研经费投入之大、研究型高校企业之多、科研成果之丰富堪称世界典范。美国有较为健全的法律制度、健康的生活环境、顶尖的教育资源等,并且与此同时,现代的美国依然在飞速的发展着,在艺术方面,例如美国的电影,音乐等现代艺术。也对世界的青年人产生了巨大的影响,此外更加令我欣赏的是美国人所特有的道德观念与责任感,美国人坚韧和团结的品德获得了全世界的认可和敬佩,美国人规范的礼仪以及对待他人的友好与热情也十分令人感动,我认为学习这些待人处事的优秀品德,是和学习知识同样重要的事情,美国作为将传统与现代很好结合的国家,在以上的各个方面都能为我提供广阔的学习空间。为了适应经济日趋发展,技术复合人才的需要,已经成为众多青年人所选择的捷径,美国是我进行交流学习的最佳选择,我决定。在美国交流学习的期间,我将投入最大的热情,积极地面对未来的学习和生活,为今后报效祖国贡献自己的一份微薄之力,我的父亲,母亲,他们非常支持我赴美留学。无论在精神上还是物质经济上都将全力支持我。我将在美国学习英语,作到听、说、读、写、译全面发展,学习期间我将遵守美国法律,团结同学尊重老师,为中美两国的交流和进一步的相互了解,以及整更加密切的合作与发展贡献自己的知识和力量,恳,美国法务部的签证官给我一个完成儿时梦想、赴美留学机会,我将会不惜余力的珍惜与感激在此我向您保证会严格遵守贵国法律,好好学习,努力传播我国文化 展开
 我来答
2015-05-10 · TA获得超过4.9万个赞
I began to have a strong interest in all aspects of America from childhood, in the process of in-depth understanding of it, I gradually realized USA and Chinese belong to the northern hemisphere, and also has an important position,through my understanding of all aspects, I found that USA is a highly developed capitalist country, its political the economic, cultural, military, etc., is led to global innovation. As the first military power in the world, the higher education level and the technological level is the world's first fully deserve, enrich the research funding of research universities, many enterprises, scientific research achievements of the world model. America legal system more perfect, healthy living environment, top educational resources, and at the same time, modern American is still inrapid development, in the arts, such as USA movies, music and other modern art. It has a great effect on the worldof young people, in addition to what I appreciate is the unique American moral values and a sense of responsibility,Americans tenacity and unity of moral won worldwide recognition and respect, American Standard etiquette and friendly enthusiasm is also very impressive, I think that learning good these attitude towards morality, knowledge and learning is equally important things, American as a good combination of traditional and modern country, in all aspects of the above can provide a broad space for learning I. In order to adapt to the growing economic development, need technical talents, has become a shortcut to many young people choose America, is the best choice for the exchange of learning, I decided. During the USA exchange of learning, I will put the greatest enthusiasm, actively face future study and life, for the future of the motherland and contribute their meager strength, my father, mother, they support me to study in the United states. Whether in mental or physical economy will support me. I will learn English in American, achieve in listening, speaking and reading, writing and translating all-round development, I will abide by the laws of America during the study, united students respect the teacher, for the two countries to further the exchanges and mutual understanding, and closer cooperation and their contribution to the development of knowledge and power, Ken, American the Ministry of justice of the visa officergave me a complete childhood dream, the United States to study opportunity, I will spare no effort to cherish and appreciate this I assure you will abide by the law, Study hard, to spread our culture
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