找一首欧美歌曲,开头是很有节奏感的呜呜呜声,貌似还有一句是or right,im ok,求大神帮忙,感激不尽! 5

有点类似于dj,前奏完时歌词唱的很快,... 有点类似于dj,前奏完时歌词唱的很快, 展开
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推荐于2017-09-10 · TA获得超过4696个赞
Can't Stop Love - Darin
We stand here today
Together as one
You brighten my days
Just like the sun
When everything round
It starts turning weather
We always survive
Cuz were in this together
Whoever said that we can never hold on
And don't no how i found my star (Baby you are my star)
Now im happy i stood up for so long
And baby this is where our story starts
I can't stop can't stop this love
No matter what they say i love you
I can't stop can't stop i love you no matter what they say i love you
They say this love is the impossible kind
And we were strong enough to fight for this life
I can't stop can't stop this love
No matter what they say i love you
Now i can't lead away
Cuz I've open my arms
Your here to stay
Deep in my heart
You say that we could'nt
But we did make it work
An nothing can stop not even 2 different worlds

Whoever said that we that can never hold on
And don't no how i find out my star (baby you are my star)
And now im happy i stood up for so long
Baby this is where our story starts
I can't stop can't stop this love
No matter what they say i love you
I can't stop can't stop i love you no matter what they say i love you
They say this love is the impossible kind
And we were strong enough to fight for this life
I can't stop can't stop this love
No matter what they say i love you
I can't stop stop no i can't stop
I can't stop stop no i can't stop
I can't stop stop no i can't stop
I can't stop stop no i can't stop
I can't stop can't stop this love
No matter what they say i love you
I can't stop can't stop i love you no matter what they say i love you
They say this love is the impossible kind
And we were strong enough to fight for this life
I can't stop can't stop this love no matter what they say
I love you
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