决定做某事:decide to do/make up one's mind to do; 感受到:sense/perceive/scent; 到达:reach/ arrive at/get to; 忘记做某事:forget to do; 去看电影: go to cinema; 上钢琴课:attend the piano class; 熬夜:stay up late/burn the midnight oil; 去有趣的地方:go to some places of interest; 似乎很无聊:looks like (stupefyingly) boring; 努力做: go all out to do /for; try one's best to do; do sth to the best of one's ability; go for broke; 由于:due to; because of; as a result of; thanks to; 等候: wait for; await; 过去: in the past帮忙做家务: help to do the housework(domestic chore); 一点也不:not a bit of it/not at all
决定做某事:decide to do/make up one's mind to do; 感受到:sense/perceive/scent; 到达:reach/ arrive at/get to; 忘记做某事:forget to do; 去看电影: go to cinema; 上钢琴课:attend the piano class; 熬夜:stay up late/burn the midnight oil; 去有趣的地方:go to some places of interest; 似乎很无聊:looks like (stupefyingly) boring; 努力做: go all out to do /for; try one's best to do; do sth to the best of one's ability; go for broke; 由于:due to; because of; as a result of; thanks to; 等候: wait for; await; 过去: in the past帮忙做家务: help to do the housework(domestic chore); 一点也不:not a bit of it/not at all
去爬山 go climbing
买某物给某人 buy sb. sth. 或buy sth. for sb
决定做某事 decide to do sth
尝试 have a try
感受到 feel it
到达 arrive in ; get to
忘记做某事 forget to do sth
去看电影 go to the movies
上钢琴课 have a piano lesson
熬夜 stay up
去有趣的地方 Go to interesting places
似乎很无聊 Seems very boring
努力做 work hard at;try to do
由于 because of
等候 wait for
过去 go over; pass by
帮忙做家务 help ( sb ) do housework
一点都不 not at all
买某物给某人 buy sb. sth. 或buy sth. for sb
决定做某事 decide to do sth
尝试 have a try
感受到 feel it
到达 arrive in ; get to
忘记做某事 forget to do sth
去看电影 go to the movies
上钢琴课 have a piano lesson
熬夜 stay up
去有趣的地方 Go to interesting places
似乎很无聊 Seems very boring
努力做 work hard at;try to do
由于 because of
等候 wait for
过去 go over; pass by
帮忙做家务 help ( sb ) do housework
一点都不 not at all