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哥们,以后咱还是要在境外的图书网站搜索呀,你的这个网络游戏商业模式我还以为是冷门,原来在国外的专著那是相当多呀,我通过搜索和浏览也涨了不少知识,给你我检索到的内容看看吧,还有我推荐的,呵呵 Business models and operational issues in the Chinese online game industry 作者~ I. MacInnes (Author), L. Hu (Author) Editorial Reviews Product Description (这个就是关于书的简介) This digital document is a journal article from Telematics and Informatics, published by Elsevier in 2007. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Amazon.com Media Library immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser. 上面主要是说这是摘自Telematics and Informatics文选的一篇期刊论文 Description: The rapid growth of Internet usage has enabled many new online communities to develop. A particularly interesting phenomenon that has arisen through Internet communities is the virtual world (VW) style of online game. This paper identifies the challenges that developers of VWs will face in their efforts to find viable business models. This is a single case study of China as an exploratory project to determine the issues surrounding business models for virtual world developers and users. The paper discusses the feedback effects between broadband adoption and online games as well as issues such as culture, history, Waigua, private servers, virtual property trade, developer control, governance, and regulation. In spite of the profitability of major Chinese VW operators, close observation of the Chinese case suggests that even the most successful VW operators are still in the early stages of their business model development. 这个是书中内容的概括,我懒得翻了,如果十分需要就联系我 http://www.amazon.com/Business-models-operational-Chinese-industry/dp/B000PDSPK4 http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&newwindow=1&q=business%20model%20Online%20Game&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wf