求一篇关于考试的英语作文
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Examination,
most
of
the
students
annoyance.In
fact,
it
is
advantageous
to
have
advantages
and
disadvantages.Benefits
allow
our
vocabulary,
knowledge
is
more
broad.The
downside
is
that
low
scores
make
students
lose
confidence,
or
allow
students
to
feel
annoyed
and
do
not
want
to
learn.The
test
will
be
discouraged,
the
test
will
be
proud.It
is
also
a
question
worth
considering.
考试,是大多数学生烦恼的事情。其实,它有好处,也有坏处。好处是能让我们的词汇量、知识更加广阔。坏处是分数低了会让学生丧失信心,或者是会让学生感到烦躁而不想学。考得低会灰心,考得高会骄傲。这也是一个值得思考的问题。
most
of
the
students
annoyance.In
fact,
it
is
advantageous
to
have
advantages
and
disadvantages.Benefits
allow
our
vocabulary,
knowledge
is
more
broad.The
downside
is
that
low
scores
make
students
lose
confidence,
or
allow
students
to
feel
annoyed
and
do
not
want
to
learn.The
test
will
be
discouraged,
the
test
will
be
proud.It
is
also
a
question
worth
considering.
考试,是大多数学生烦恼的事情。其实,它有好处,也有坏处。好处是能让我们的词汇量、知识更加广阔。坏处是分数低了会让学生丧失信心,或者是会让学生感到烦躁而不想学。考得低会灰心,考得高会骄傲。这也是一个值得思考的问题。
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