用英语写作 *** 了一件好事

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2022-11-01 · TA获得超过5350个赞

1. 我做过了一件好事的英语作文

it was one day morning in may.xiao han paid a visit to his friends.on his way he found a crowd of onlookers had gathered,then he just went and investigate.he saw a woman lying on the street,for being hurt in the traffic accident.he called the driver to stop right away and sent her to the hospital.then he paid the treatment expenses by himself and tried to contact her family.after all,her hu *** and got to the hospital and has learnt that what had happened to his wife.when he was willing to express his thanks to him,xiao han had already gone. 五月的一天早上,小韩在拜访朋友的路上发现有一伙路人聚集了起来,那走过去查看了一下。



2. 做一件好事英语作文.一般将来时

In this summer holiday I think I should do something meaningful instead of playing puter and watching TV.

Therefore,I set a scheme .Firstly,I am going to write a letter to my cousin and visit my grandmother as soon as possible .Next,I will get a haicut to make myself relaxed.In order to pass my test,I think I will review my lessons regularly.And when I am free I will return the books to libray.Besids,the most important thing is that I must practise playingthe piano,for“Practice makes perfect.”

Ok ,that's what I will do in this holiday.

3. 我做过了一件好事的英语作文

我做过的一件好事 放学回家,风“呼”地吹过我的脸,我才感觉到冬天的冷。

尽管如此,我的心依旧是暖和和的,那是因为我做了一件好事。 那次,我和往常一样,走在回家的路上说笑着。


说着,我加快步伐。 我紧紧捏着手中e69da5e887aa62616964757a686964616f31333238643637的纸币,双眼四处寻找着警察。



4. 用英语写一篇做一件好事

This morning we heard the talk given by our headmaster about Lel Feng.We were deeply moved by Lel Feng's deeds. We have made up our minds to do as Let Feng did.

As there were no classes this afternoon, we decided to do some good deeds for people. Some of us went to the Station Square to repair bikes for people passing by, some went to a home for orphans nearby to help carry coal and wash their clothes, and others remained at school to clean the teachers' office. We all worked very hard.

It was not until six o'clock that I returned home. Tired as I was, I was filled with joy and pride.

5. 急需用英语说明你做的一件好事并写出感受80次词以上

Today, my parents go out for dinner. We came at the door, he saw a ragged old grandfather sitting on the floor, his face not a trace of a *** ile, looked very sad. I also found a grandfather's hand broken. His neck hung a sign on the top filled with characters. Certainly face problems in life, to beg.

Like others, I would have to imagine turning a blind eye, but the grandfather poor lingering look in front of me. At this time, I seemed to bee o people. 1 I said: "Let's go, let's not attention to him. You should have the guts to it." Another issue I said: "No, we should help others. Mom and Dad are not always the way to teach us? If I do good, Probably my Mom and Dad will boast it sensible. "I think for a while, I finally beat the first one. Then I went to grandfather front, out of your pocket usual collection of triple money, did not hesitate to vote for the grandfather. Grandfather looked up at me and nodded in my direction.

I am happy and ran away. Mom and Dad praised me.

On the way home, I thought to myself: If the earth less poverty, less hunger, be nice ah! If this happens everyone is out a pair of warm hands, and that the whole world would be a better place!




6. 帮忙写一篇英语作文在学习和生活中,你经历过高兴/难过/伤心的事.要

To keep a happy heartToday you happy? I often like it bluntly asked my friend, but most just *** ile when they are, do not answer. Perhaps this seemingly simple but in reality has a heavy amount of questioning, therefore, for a time actually does not dare to conclusions.Indeed, happiness is hard to find a unified model and definition of happiness was originally just a personal feeling. However, I think happiness is still thought to be a uniform interpretation. Because, in fact, happy mood, in what could not say, do not say anything in a time of gazing, a copy of gratitude, the story tie a tie, will gradually sink in the hearts of silt, forming a silent enlightened. You may not choose the fate of joy, happiness can not choose the way, but you will be able to choose a happy idea. Happy first question is, do not burden your heart; happy connotation is that your life be full of confidence. In fact, many human troubles did not e from hard work, but from idle; not from defeat, but from selfishness and jealousy.I thought many times do not understand why now many kids my age and, obviously enjoying the selfless dedication and love of family, clothes to food to mouth live hand responsive fortable life, but just like the self-inflicted deserted sad sad sad look, it seems like the world owed him. And this strong that the pain has bee almost a fashion, a trend, a much sought after young writers writing mode. Is it only unhappy, in order to reflect their deep and different? Is happy to have been very di *** issive of it superficial? In my dictionary, the interpretation of happiness is "simple and beautiful spiritual experience." Simple to the extreme is profound. Simple and good life, such as Dishuichuanshi, allowing Zhise life *** ooth, melt the hardened heart, hustle and bustle of the world to have clue. A simple soul, will create a pure character, and bring us pure joy. In short, happiness is an open-minded, a mind, a state, happiness is the most humble and most noble attitude towards life.Happy earth, and flowers bloom on; happy sky, the sun shone on; memory of happiness, and light up the pace on; you happy, love your people satisfied. People as happy and beautiful, happy and wonderful life because, as happy and learned the fate of infinite power. Behind every little joy, have a huge hidden grace, like a drop of water, the sun can shine out brilliant. With happiness than with any other things to be simple, in any case do not fet to love the sunroof open, and this is the secret of happiness, that happiness is the most convenient access method.Yes, I am very happy, I love all the good things in the world and with a grateful heart, I and the existence of any nature have maintained a life of harmony and friendly relations. A flower, a fish, the wind's embrace, kiss moon, friendship love, family fetters, every little move will make my heart became warm and clear. For me, happiness is life's most easy to obtain a nutrient.Yes, I am very happy, happy to grow up in joy in traveling, happy to enjoy life in the fun.Yes, I am very happy, because I was many, many people love; I am very happy, because I can love many, many people.。

7. 我做了一件好事作文










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