rose英文读音:英 [rəʊz] 美 [roʊz]意思:n.玫瑰;玫瑰红葡萄酒;粉红葡萄酒;n.玫瑰(花);蔷薇(花);粉红色;(水管或喷壶的)莲蓬式喷嘴;adj.粉红色的;v.上升;攀升;提高;达到较高水平(或位置);起床;起立;站起来。有关例句如下:
When he rose to speak, he was accorded a prolonged ovation.
Though I did not accept your rose, my heart has accepted it!
你送的玫瑰我虽然没有接受, 可我心领了?
Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat.
有时候这支曲调升高, 嗓子发麻唱不出来。
The rose plants form a bent shoot and a single rose as crop.
A rose smells better than a cabbage, but you can't eat rose.
I rose with all alacrity, to acquit myself of this commission
我飞快麻利地站了起来, 去执行这个使命。