(1)代位求偿和清偿代位在英语中都用“subrogation”表示,该词源于拉丁语“subrogare",其原意为“使一人处于另一人的位置上”( to put one personin the place of another),说明两者词源一致。
(2)虽然大陆法系各国立法并无明确地将保险人代位列举为清偿代位的一种,但在多数国家或地区的法律中,都有概括性规定,如我国台湾民法第312条规定,“就债之履行有利害关系之第三人”清偿债务后可以取得代位权。从理论上代位求偿权可以归于此类。[ 史尚宽.债法总论.北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000. 805]
(4)此说揭示了代位求偿权的本质,合理地解释了保险人与第三人内部求偿的理论依据,更为严谨地阐明了海上保险代位求偿权的民法学基础。 展开
(1)代位求偿和清偿代位在英语中都用“subrogation”表示,该词源于拉丁语“subrogare",其原意为“使一人处于另一人的位置上”( to put one personin the place of another),说明两者词源一致。
(2)虽然大陆法系各国立法并无明确地将保险人代位列举为清偿代位的一种,但在多数国家或地区的法律中,都有概括性规定,如我国台湾民法第312条规定,“就债之履行有利害关系之第三人”清偿债务后可以取得代位权。从理论上代位求偿权可以归于此类。[ 史尚宽.债法总论.北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000. 805]
(4)此说揭示了代位求偿权的本质,合理地解释了保险人与第三人内部求偿的理论依据,更为严谨地阐明了海上保险代位求偿权的民法学基础。 展开
The author relatively advocates this viewpoint compared with the other two points of view, with reasons as follows:
1, “代位求偿”and“清偿代位”can be translated into English as “subrogation” ,originated from Latin “subrogare”, which originally means“使一人处于另一人的位置上”(to put one person in the place of another). It illustrates that the two words has the same origination.
2, Although the subrogation of insurers are not stipulated as one form of subrogation in Civil Law country, but the laws of most countries or districts have general stipulations. For example, article 312 of Taiwan civil law stipulates, “third party who has interests in the fulfillment of a debt shall have the right of subrogation after he discharged the debt. Theoretically subrogation can be attributable to this kind. [ 史尚宽.债法总论.北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000. 805]
3,The requirements of exercising subrogation right and those of exercising insurance subrogation right are substantially the same, for example, the former require the subrogor actually discharge the debt, the later require the insurer actually pay the insurance beneficiary; Both of the obligees can only exercise the right of subrogate within the scope of claim of the subrogee; both of the debtors can revoke the defences against the subrogee.
4, This viewpoint reveal the essence of subrogation and reasonably explained the theoretical basis of subrogation, It unraveled the civil law basis of the right of subrogation in marine insurance more precisely.
1, “代位求偿”and“清偿代位”can be translated into English as “subrogation” ,originated from Latin “subrogare”, which originally means“使一人处于另一人的位置上”(to put one person in the place of another). It illustrates that the two words has the same origination.
2, Although the subrogation of insurers are not stipulated as one form of subrogation in Civil Law country, but the laws of most countries or districts have general stipulations. For example, article 312 of Taiwan civil law stipulates, “third party who has interests in the fulfillment of a debt shall have the right of subrogation after he discharged the debt. Theoretically subrogation can be attributable to this kind. [ 史尚宽.债法总论.北京:中国政法大学出版社,2000. 805]
3,The requirements of exercising subrogation right and those of exercising insurance subrogation right are substantially the same, for example, the former require the subrogor actually discharge the debt, the later require the insurer actually pay the insurance beneficiary; Both of the obligees can only exercise the right of subrogate within the scope of claim of the subrogee; both of the debtors can revoke the defences against the subrogee.
4, This viewpoint reveal the essence of subrogation and reasonably explained the theoretical basis of subrogation, It unraveled the civil law basis of the right of subrogation in marine insurance more precisely.
More support of this that says that compared with the previous two, this says more can be taken for the following reasons:
(1) and settle subrogation subrogation are in English with "subrogation" that the word comes from the Latin "subrogare", its original intent "to cause a person in another place" (to put one personin the place of another), shows both the same etymology.
(2) Although civil law countries there is no clear legislation will be cited as the insurer subrogation settlement of the subrogation of a kind, but in most national or regional laws, there are general provisions, such as China's Taiwan, China and France the provisions of Article 312, "discharge of a conflict of interest on the debt the third person" after the debt can obtain subrogation. Subrogation theory can be attributed to such.[Shi Shangkuan. Obligation Law. Beijing: China University of Political Science Press, 2000.805]
(3) law for the settlement of the subrogation of insurance subrogation is consistent with the exercise requirements, such as the former requires the actual settlement of the subrogation of people to meet debt obligations, which require the insurer to pay insurance compensation for the actual Jin; the right people are only subrogation's request to be exercised within the right of subrogation: the debtor can invoke subrogation against being the subject of other people's defense.
(4) This reveals that the nature of subrogation, a reasonable interpretation of an insurance claim with a third within the theoretical basis, a more rigorous way to clarify the marine insurance subrogation based on civil law.
(1) and settle subrogation subrogation are in English with "subrogation" that the word comes from the Latin "subrogare", its original intent "to cause a person in another place" (to put one personin the place of another), shows both the same etymology.
(2) Although civil law countries there is no clear legislation will be cited as the insurer subrogation settlement of the subrogation of a kind, but in most national or regional laws, there are general provisions, such as China's Taiwan, China and France the provisions of Article 312, "discharge of a conflict of interest on the debt the third person" after the debt can obtain subrogation. Subrogation theory can be attributed to such.[Shi Shangkuan. Obligation Law. Beijing: China University of Political Science Press, 2000.805]
(3) law for the settlement of the subrogation of insurance subrogation is consistent with the exercise requirements, such as the former requires the actual settlement of the subrogation of people to meet debt obligations, which require the insurer to pay insurance compensation for the actual Jin; the right people are only subrogation's request to be exercised within the right of subrogation: the debtor can invoke subrogation against being the subject of other people's defense.
(4) This reveals that the nature of subrogation, a reasonable interpretation of an insurance claim with a third within the theoretical basis, a more rigorous way to clarify the marine insurance subrogation based on civil law.