
4工作程序4.1HACCP验证的内容包括:HACCP计划的确认、CCP点的验证、HACCP体系的验证。4.2HACCP计划的确认:确认是获取对HACCP计划基本原理作科学... 4 工作程序
4.1 HACCP验证的内容包括:HACCP计划的确认、CCP点的验证、HACCP体系的验证。
4.2 HACCP计划的确认:
4.2.1 确认的内容:确认的内容是HACCP计划的各个组成部分,重点是危害分析、关键控制点、关键限值以及对关键控制点的监控。
4.2.2 确认的方法:确认方法是运用科学原理和数据,借助专家意见以及进行生产观察和检测等手段,对HACCP计划制定的每个步骤逐一进行技术上的认可。确认应有确认记录,记录有关潜在危害和控制手段的新科学信息,证明本HACCP计划中分析的危害和采取的控制手段是正确的、有科学技术依据的,其信息可以是合同要求,产品标准、法规要求、原辅料的供方验证证件,有关卫生质量控制指南和教材等资料。
4.2.3 确认的人员:确认由HACCP小组内受过培训或经验丰富,有较高水平的人员来完成。
4.2.4 确认的频率:
a 在HACCP计划制定后、实施前进行最初确认,以保证HACCP计划科学有效。
b 在出现原料改变、产品和加工设备及工序改变、验证数据与原数据不符、重复出现偏差、有关危害或控制手段出现新情况、生产观察有新问题、销售或食用方式改变时都须重新的确认。
c HACCP计划改变或重新制定后也需再次确认。
d 在上述三种情况下,HACCP计划改变并被确认均须填写《文件更改申请单》。
4.3 关键控制点(CCP)的验证:
4.3.1 监控设备的校准:
a 校准的对象:杀菌器和灌装机上的温度计和自动显示温度记录仪及备用仪表。
b 校准频率、方法:每年开机前进行校准。
4.3.2 对番茄原料及包装合格证明的审核记录的复查:
a 对番茄原料提供“原料收购凭证”审核记录表。
b 对无菌包装袋和钢桶“合格证明”审核记录表。
4.3.3 针对性的取样检测:
a 每年生产期抽取成品酱送出入境检验检疫局检测农药与重金属残留、细菌总数、大肠菌数及致病菌等项目。
b 检测结果符合有关要求(标准)时,证明关键控制点的控制有效。
c 针对性取样检测须填写“相关记录表”,并将CCP点的针对性检测结果归入到验证记录档中。
4.3.4 CCP监控记录与纠偏记录的验证:
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4 procedures
4.1 HACCP verification include: HACCP plan confirmation, CCP certification points, HACCP system verification.
4.2 HACCP plan to confirm:
Recognized HACCP plan is to get to the basic principles for scientific and technical review and effective evidence. In the enactment and implementation of HACCP plan, you must first be recognized. Identified include the following four areas: what is recognized, how to confirm, confirm the frequency and who perform confirmation, confirmed on the basis of relevant information, documents and data to the archives.
4.2.1 confirmation of the contents: confirmation of the contents of the various components of HACCP plan, focusing on hazard analysis, critical control points, critical limits and monitoring critical control points.
4.2.2 confirmation of the way: Make sure method is to use scientific principles and data, using expert opinion as well as observation and testing and other means of production, on the HACCP plans developed by each of the steps for technical approval. Confirmation should be confirmed records, records relating to the potential hazards and control methods of the new science of information, that the HACCP plan of the hazards and control measures taken are correct, there are scientific and technical basis, the information can be contract requirements, product standards , regulatory requirements, raw material supply-side validation documents, the health quality control guidelines and materials are included.
4.2.3 confirmation of the staff: confirmation by the HACCP team of trained or experienced in, there is a higher level of staff to complete.
4.2.4 confirmation of the frequency:
a HACCP plan in, upon enactment of the first to confirm before to ensure the HACCP plan is valid.
b in the event of changes in raw materials, products and processing equipment and process changes, verify data discrepancies with the original data, repeat the deviation, the hazard or control the means of new situations, new problems observed production, sale or consumption mode change will have to re- confirmed.
c HACCP plan to change or re-enactment also be reconfirmed.
d in the above three cases, HACCP plan change was required to complete a recognized "for a single file change."
4.3 Critical Control Point (CCP) for verification:
CCP certification is set for a CCP for this degree of control verification. Aseptic concentrate on 200L/1000L tomato production and processing of the four CCP verification activities include:
4.3.1 Monitoring equipment calibration:
a calibration object: sterilization device and the filling machine on the thermometer and the temperature recorder and automatically display the standby instruments.
b calibration frequency, methods: calibrated before each start.
4.3.2 tomato raw materials and packaging certification review audit records:
a pair of raw tomatoes provide "raw material purchase certificate" audit log.
b aseptic bags and steel drums on "certification" audit logs.
4.3.3 Detection of targeted sampling:
a annual production of refined butter extracted send Exit Inspection and Quarantine of pesticide and heavy metal residues, the total bacteria count and coliform bacteria and other projects.
b test results meet the requirements (standards), that the effective control of critical control points.
c targeted sampled to fill out the "Related Records List" and targeted CCP points to verify the test results included in log file.
4.3.4 CCP monitoring records and corrective record verification:
Inspectors from the valet per hour, shift supervisor class of individual CCP's "Critical Control Point Monitoring Record Sheet" and "corrective action lists" to verify, and the related record.

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