关于卖方库存管理系统(VMI)的研究大多数是从买方来评价VMI的实施效果的,在实际实施过程中,要考虑卖方库存管理系统VMI对整个供应链的影响。本文分析了第三方物流企业实施卖方管理库存VMI的经济价值和必然性,以及第三方物流引入VMI的优势,在前人研究的基础上考虑了运输成本和经济批量的内在联系,对传统VMI模型进行了完善,通过模型分析发现了卖方短期内成本增加的情况,在这个发现的基础上,通过引进第三方物流作为中间作业平台来对VMI模型进行优化。引入第三方物流后卖方短期成本增加所产生的弊端减少,降低了VMI操作产生的物流成本,使卖方短期的的利润有所增加,进而使卖方参与VMI的积极性得到提高。最后通过一个实例予以验证,取得了较好的效果。 关键字 : VMI,物流成本,第三方物流,卖方利润
On the inventory management system ( VMI ) most of the study is to evaluate the VMI from the implementation effect, in the actual implementation process, want to consider the inventory management system VMI for the whole supply chain effect. This paper analyzes the third party logistics enterprises to implement VMI VMI economic value and necessity of the third party logistics is introduced, and the advantages of VMI, on the basis of previous studies considering transportation cost and economic quantities of immanent connection, the traditional VMI model were perfect, through model analysis showed that the short-term cost increase in this case, found on the basis, through the introduction of the third party logistics as an intermediate platform to the VMI model optimization. Introduce third party logistics for the short-term cost disadvantages caused by reduced VMI operation, reduces the logistics cost, the short-term increase in profits, and the involvement of the VMI initiative is improved. Finally, through an example to validate, and achieved good results. Keywords: VMI, the cost of logistics, third party logistics, the seller profits