下面是从CSDN上摘抄过来的,主要是今天调试VC操作Word2003的时候,网上下载的是操作Word 2000,但是参数已经有一些不同了。下面的代码可以在2003中运行,记录在这里便于以后复习用。
对于您所提的问题,确实可以使用OLE Automation在VC++中对Word Object Model进行操作。下面这篇知识库文章中给出了如何在VC_++中引入Office TypeLib,并通过程序启动MS Excel.参照这篇文章可以使您建立起程序的框架
Q178749 HOWTO: Create Automation Project Using MFC and a Type Library
以下两篇知识库文章给出了具体的样例,如何操作Word和Excel. 您可以使用其中的方法来完成你自己的操作。具体的对象模型的操作,您需要参见对应产品的VBA帮助文档。
Q178784 HOWTO: Use Automation to Open and Print a Word Document
Q179706 HOWTO: Use MFC to Automate Excel and Create/Format a New Workboo
这两篇是介绍一些基础的知识以及Office 产品在Automation 上的一些支持以及常见问题。您可以用作参考。
Q238972 INFO: Using Visual C++ to Automate Office
Q196776 FAQ: Office Automation Using Visual C++
Steps to Create the Project
1. In Microsoft Word, create a new document, add some text to the document, and save it as Test.doc. Close the document and exit Word.
2. Follow steps 1 through 12 in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article to create a sample project that uses the IDispatch interfaces and member functions defined in the MSWord8.olb type library:
Q178749 HOWTO: Create an Automation Project Using MFC and a Type Library
请先按照Q178749的步骤建立一个框架程序,并引入Word typelib.
3. At the top of the AutoProjectDlg.cpp, add the following line:
#include "msword8.h" // msword9.h for Word 2000, msword.h for Word 2002
4. Add the following code to CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun() in the AutoProjectDLG.cpp
Sample Code
_Application objWord; //定义Word应用程序对象(Word.application)
// Convenient values declared as ColeVariants.
COleVariant covTrue((short)TRUE),
// Get the IDispatch pointer and attach it to the objWord object.
if (!objWord.CreateDispatch("Word.Application"))
AfxMessageBox("Couldn't get Word object.");
objWord.SetVisible(TRUE); //This shows the application.
Documents docs(objWord.GetDocuments());//定义Word Documents对象(Word.Documents)
_Document testDoc; //定义Word Document对象(Word.Document)
testDoc.AttachDispatch(docs.Open( //可看成VB语句set testDoc = Word.documents.Open(…)
covFalse, // Confirm Conversion.
covFalse, // ReadOnly.
covFalse, // AddToRecentFiles.
covOptional, // PasswordDocument.
covOptional, // PasswordTemplate.
covFalse, // Revert.
covOptional, // WritePasswordDocument.
covOptional, // WritePasswordTemplate.
covOptional) // Format. // Last argument for Word 97
covOptional, // Encoding // New for Word 2000/2002
covTrue, // Visible
covOptional, // OpenConflictDocument
covOptional, // OpenAndRepair
(long)0, // DocumentDirection wdDocumentDirection LeftToRight
covOptional // NoEncodingDialog
) // Close Open parameters
); // Close AttachDispatch(?)
AfxMessageBox("Now printing 2 copies on the active printer");
testDoc.PrintOut(covFalse, // Background. //可看成VB语句testDoc.PrintOut(…)
covOptional, // Append.
covOptional, // Range.
covOptional, // OutputFileName.
covOptional, // From.
covOptional, // To.
covOptional, // Item.
COleVariant((long)2), // Copies.
covOptional, // Pages.
covOptional, // PageType.
covOptional, // PrintToFile.
covOptional, // Collate.
covOptional, // ActivePrinterMacGX.
covOptional // ManualDuplexPrint.
covOptional, // PrintZoomColumn New with Word 2002
covOptional, // PrintZoomRow ditto
covOptional, // PrintZoomPaperWidth ditto
covOptional); // PrintZoomPaperHeight ditto
// If you wish to Print Preview the document rather than print it,
// you can use the PrintPreview member function instead of the
// PrintOut member function:
// testDoc.PrintPreview.
objWord.Quit(covFalse, // SaveChanges.
covTrue, // OriginalFormat.
covFalse // RouteDocument.
5. You may need to modify the code in CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun() to indicate the correct path for your document Test.doc. The document is referenced in the following line:
COleVariant("C:\\My Docs\\Test.doc",VT_BSTR)...
对于您所提的问题,确实可以使用OLE Automation在VC++中对Word Object Model进行操作。下面这篇知识库文章中给出了如何在VC_++中引入Office TypeLib,并通过程序启动MS Excel.参照这篇文章可以使您建立起程序的框架
Q178749 HOWTO: Create Automation Project Using MFC and a Type Library
以下两篇知识库文章给出了具体的样例,如何操作Word和Excel. 您可以使用其中的方法来完成你自己的操作。具体的对象模型的操作,您需要参见对应产品的VBA帮助文档。
Q178784 HOWTO: Use Automation to Open and Print a Word Document
Q179706 HOWTO: Use MFC to Automate Excel and Create/Format a New Workboo
这两篇是介绍一些基础的知识以及Office 产品在Automation 上的一些支持以及常见问题。您可以用作参考。
Q238972 INFO: Using Visual C++ to Automate Office
Q196776 FAQ: Office Automation Using Visual C++
Steps to Create the Project
1. In Microsoft Word, create a new document, add some text to the document, and save it as Test.doc. Close the document and exit Word.
2. Follow steps 1 through 12 in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article to create a sample project that uses the IDispatch interfaces and member functions defined in the MSWord8.olb type library:
Q178749 HOWTO: Create an Automation Project Using MFC and a Type Library
请先按照Q178749的步骤建立一个框架程序,并引入Word typelib.
3. At the top of the AutoProjectDlg.cpp, add the following line:
#include "msword8.h" // msword9.h for Word 2000, msword.h for Word 2002
4. Add the following code to CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun() in the AutoProjectDLG.cpp
Sample Code
_Application objWord; //定义Word应用程序对象(Word.application)
// Convenient values declared as ColeVariants.
COleVariant covTrue((short)TRUE),
// Get the IDispatch pointer and attach it to the objWord object.
if (!objWord.CreateDispatch("Word.Application"))
AfxMessageBox("Couldn't get Word object.");
objWord.SetVisible(TRUE); //This shows the application.
Documents docs(objWord.GetDocuments());//定义Word Documents对象(Word.Documents)
_Document testDoc; //定义Word Document对象(Word.Document)
testDoc.AttachDispatch(docs.Open( //可看成VB语句set testDoc = Word.documents.Open(…)
covFalse, // Confirm Conversion.
covFalse, // ReadOnly.
covFalse, // AddToRecentFiles.
covOptional, // PasswordDocument.
covOptional, // PasswordTemplate.
covFalse, // Revert.
covOptional, // WritePasswordDocument.
covOptional, // WritePasswordTemplate.
covOptional) // Format. // Last argument for Word 97
covOptional, // Encoding // New for Word 2000/2002
covTrue, // Visible
covOptional, // OpenConflictDocument
covOptional, // OpenAndRepair
(long)0, // DocumentDirection wdDocumentDirection LeftToRight
covOptional // NoEncodingDialog
) // Close Open parameters
); // Close AttachDispatch(?)
AfxMessageBox("Now printing 2 copies on the active printer");
testDoc.PrintOut(covFalse, // Background. //可看成VB语句testDoc.PrintOut(…)
covOptional, // Append.
covOptional, // Range.
covOptional, // OutputFileName.
covOptional, // From.
covOptional, // To.
covOptional, // Item.
COleVariant((long)2), // Copies.
covOptional, // Pages.
covOptional, // PageType.
covOptional, // PrintToFile.
covOptional, // Collate.
covOptional, // ActivePrinterMacGX.
covOptional // ManualDuplexPrint.
covOptional, // PrintZoomColumn New with Word 2002
covOptional, // PrintZoomRow ditto
covOptional, // PrintZoomPaperWidth ditto
covOptional); // PrintZoomPaperHeight ditto
// If you wish to Print Preview the document rather than print it,
// you can use the PrintPreview member function instead of the
// PrintOut member function:
// testDoc.PrintPreview.
objWord.Quit(covFalse, // SaveChanges.
covTrue, // OriginalFormat.
covFalse // RouteDocument.
5. You may need to modify the code in CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun() to indicate the correct path for your document Test.doc. The document is referenced in the following line:
COleVariant("C:\\My Docs\\Test.doc",VT_BSTR)...