谁能帮我改写下!拜托了 拜托了 !在写论文中 书面语 辛苦大家了!

Arecentsurveyshowedthatamajorityofonlineshopperswerenotawareofvarioushackerattacks,ph... A recent survey showed that a majority of online shoppers were not aware of various hacker attacks, phishing scams, and how it affected them. Not knowing how to keep yourself safe is the biggest disadvantage of online shopping. You also don’t know if a store is really reliable, and if you will really be shipped the goods you have paid for. Many times the store is just a scam put up to gather people’s credit card data and social security numbers. These types of scams have been documented again and again and yet there is no way to know for sure if an online store is really genuine or not.
In most people's eyes, the Amazon is a typical B2C e-commerce company, leaning on-line sale of cheap books and consumer electronics products to make money. However, this is not the whole truth. Amazon B2C business model, the hidden is a very innovative mind. The company's every move is a profound impact on our current and future life.
2010-08-31 · TA获得超过3.5万个赞
不知道你是否满意,简略地缩 了些

A latest survey showed that a majority of online shoppers belittled the hacker attacks, phishing scams, and how it affected them. As a biggest disadvantage of online shopping, not knowing how to keep themselves safe is fatal. You may not know if a store is really reliable, and if you will really be shipped the goods you have paid for. Many times the store is just a scam put up to cheat people’s credit card information. These types of scams have been documented again and again and yet it is hard to know for sure that if an online store is really veritable or not.

In public eyes, the Amazon is a classic B2C e-commerce company, get profits by resting on on-line sale of cheap books and consumer electronics products. Moreover, Amazon B2C business model is a very innovative mind. Every move the company change is a profound impact on our future life.
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