海的女儿很善良,她宁愿让自己变成泡沫,也不愿意伤害自己挚爱的人,这种伟大的爱是值得我们去学习的。有时我不禁为海的女儿留下了眼泪,像这样能够为感情牺牲的人有几个,我们现在的小孩子还时时与大人吵嘴、顶嘴。现在想想是多么不应该啊!我以后一定要让大人开心,快乐,幸福,做我应该做的,好好学习,帮他们做些力所能及的家务活我们更应该学习海的女儿的那种坚韧不拔的执着和勇于追求的精神,在今后的生活中,好好孝敬父母,好好学习 展开
海的女儿很善良,她宁愿让自己变成泡沫,也不愿意伤害自己挚爱的人,这种伟大的爱是值得我们去学习的。有时我不禁为海的女儿留下了眼泪,像这样能够为感情牺牲的人有几个,我们现在的小孩子还时时与大人吵嘴、顶嘴。现在想想是多么不应该啊!我以后一定要让大人开心,快乐,幸福,做我应该做的,好好学习,帮他们做些力所能及的家务活我们更应该学习海的女儿的那种坚韧不拔的执着和勇于追求的精神,在今后的生活中,好好孝敬父母,好好学习 展开
Reading "Mermaid" Thoughts
In this hot summer, I opened the daughter of the sea accompanied by bursts of water and cool sea breeze and the beautiful sea kind and lovely daughter, spent a happy summer holiday.
This ancient story is in the deep sea, there lived a Sea King and his mother, as well as seven lively and beautiful daughter, the youngest daughter of a child, longing for the land, and finally, in her 15th birthday , she was floating on the sea surface obtained permission. In the sea met a prince, and she and Prince together in order to lose their voice at the expense of, if not the prince she loves, she will become a foam die, but the prince was in love with another girl, his sister to her sister, with her hair in exchange for a knife, stabbed the prince with the knife, because the prince of the blood to her sister, restitution, and 7, but the election was a princess to herself into a bubble.
Daughter of the sea is very good, she would rather let themselves into foam, is not willing to hurt their loved ones, this great love is worth to learn. Sometimes I can not help the daughter of the sea has left tears, feeling like this can sacrifice a few people, we are now children and adults also often quarrel, talk back. Now think about how should not be ah! I must let the adults after the happy, happy, happy, do what I should do, learn, help them to do whatever chores we should learn from the daughter of the sea kind of indomitable spirit of perseverance and courage to pursue, in the next life, we honor their parents, learn
In this hot summer, I opened the daughter of the sea accompanied by bursts of water and cool sea breeze and the beautiful sea kind and lovely daughter, spent a happy summer holiday.
This ancient story is in the deep sea, there lived a Sea King and his mother, as well as seven lively and beautiful daughter, the youngest daughter of a child, longing for the land, and finally, in her 15th birthday , she was floating on the sea surface obtained permission. In the sea met a prince, and she and Prince together in order to lose their voice at the expense of, if not the prince she loves, she will become a foam die, but the prince was in love with another girl, his sister to her sister, with her hair in exchange for a knife, stabbed the prince with the knife, because the prince of the blood to her sister, restitution, and 7, but the election was a princess to herself into a bubble.
Daughter of the sea is very good, she would rather let themselves into foam, is not willing to hurt their loved ones, this great love is worth to learn. Sometimes I can not help the daughter of the sea has left tears, feeling like this can sacrifice a few people, we are now children and adults also often quarrel, talk back. Now think about how should not be ah! I must let the adults after the happy, happy, happy, do what I should do, learn, help them to do whatever chores we should learn from the daughter of the sea kind of indomitable spirit of perseverance and courage to pursue, in the next life, we honor their parents, learn