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拜托哪位英语高手帮忙将以下句子翻译成英文(千万别用翻译器)
此时可观察到电解液中有大量气泡析出.待该装置运行1小时后停止,(在反应过程中每隔10分钟向溶液中加入少量研细的氯化钠)将反应后的液体摇匀,吸取少量反应后的电解液,滴入酚酞...
此时可观察到电解液中有大量气泡析出.待该装置运行1小时后停止,(在反应过程中每隔10分钟向溶液中加入少量研细的氯化钠)将反应后的液体摇匀,吸取少量反应后的电解液,滴入酚酞试液,立即变红,另取适量反应后的电解液,采用中和滴定法测出氢氧化钠的浓度,经计算氢氧化钠的质量为110克左右.
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Then
you
can
find
that
a
large
number
of
bubbles
will
be
seperated
out
from
the
electrolyte
solution,
and
to
be
stopped
after
the
service
run
for
hr,
(during
the
reaction,
add
little
porphyrized
sodium
chloride
into
the
solution
at
intervals
for
10mins),then
agitate
the
reacted
liquid.Pipette
little
reacted
electrolyte
solution,
and
drip
phenothalein
test
solution,then
the
color
changes
to
be
red
immediately.
Pipette
some
other
q.s.
reacted
electrolyte
solution,
and
measure
the
concerntration
of
the
sodirm
hydroxide
with
neutralization
titration,
then
figure
out
the
mass
of
the
sodirm
hydroxide
to
be
circa
110g.
(((同志,翻完我才发现没分哎!!我岂不亏大!!抗议!!)
you
can
find
that
a
large
number
of
bubbles
will
be
seperated
out
from
the
electrolyte
solution,
and
to
be
stopped
after
the
service
run
for
hr,
(during
the
reaction,
add
little
porphyrized
sodium
chloride
into
the
solution
at
intervals
for
10mins),then
agitate
the
reacted
liquid.Pipette
little
reacted
electrolyte
solution,
and
drip
phenothalein
test
solution,then
the
color
changes
to
be
red
immediately.
Pipette
some
other
q.s.
reacted
electrolyte
solution,
and
measure
the
concerntration
of
the
sodirm
hydroxide
with
neutralization
titration,
then
figure
out
the
mass
of
the
sodirm
hydroxide
to
be
circa
110g.
(((同志,翻完我才发现没分哎!!我岂不亏大!!抗议!!)
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