results dropped
performance decrease
achievement decline
成绩下降的英文例句Studies show that sleep deprivation can cause behavior problems, poor grades,and obesity.
If Guldahl's decline was neither so dramatic as popularly believed, nor so clearlyattributable to Groove Your Golf, then what was it that made him bow out of hisprofessional career in 1942?
在 教育 中建立研究生项目是大学应对社会对中小学体系日益不满的举措。 “我们面对的是许许多多社会关注的学校问题,如凌辱、逃学、成绩下降等。”
“We are faced with a number of gripping issues in schools like bullying, truancy, and falling grades, ” said Tetsuya Kajisa, the president of Hyogo University ofTeacher Education near Osaka
Watch for warning signs like decreases in grades, stomach aches or otherillnesses, depression and anxiety, or new bad behaviors.
对于青少年和 儿童 来说,睡眠不足会导致注意力障碍和学习成绩下降。
In teenagers and young children, lack of sleep can result in attention disordersand poor academic performance.
It found, moreover, that heavy media use is associated with several negatives,including behavior problems and lower grades.
Knowing that their teachers are always judging their work will generate feelings ofanxiety and stress, thus lowering the quality of their performance.
Researchers found that the objectifying gaze lowered women’s mathperformance, but not men’s.
Dr. Duenas says the syndrome can cause low productivity in adults and learningdisabilities and low grades among school children.
How could I convince his father and mother that his recent failing gradesrepresented a broken-hearted child’s reaction to his adored parents’ separationand pending4 divorce﹖
My grades went down.
成绩下降的英语 句子 带翻译一项新的研究表明,让孩子们使用电脑确实会使他们的阅读和数学成绩下降。
GRANTING teenagers access to computers can actually diminish their readingand maths results, according to a new study.
Professor Sabia finds that deciding to have sex will knock a few percentage pointsoff your grade.
It is as if the teen has super radar that picks up on the parents' marital distressand responds by drawing each of them away from their marital problems towardhis drug abuse or her school failure.
The prime minister said that, by the end of next year, the government would have transformed about 150 failing secondary schools and 200 failing primaries intoacademies.
Not only do these devices find perfect application in high gain applications, theymaintain their performance down to lower gain settings.
The news coverage of this study seem to make the assumption that generally,Facebook was at least partially (or even in the case of Yahoo!
Even hear a son, the grades of a familiar face like a pool as are calm.
How could I convince his father and mother that his recent failing gradesrepresented a broken-hearted child's reaction to his adored parents' separationand impending divorce.
Often times in running our breathing becomes labored and stressed and this canbring on cramps, poor performance and premature fatigue.
Many students who have part-time jobs have shown a decline in their studies.
In teenagers and young kid, lack of sleep can outcome in attention disorders andpenniless academic performance.
This was found in a study commissioned by the College Board and theEducational Testing Service for the Panel on SAT Score Decline.
Results ①Results of praxiology experiment showed that the learning andmemorizing performance record in model group were drop and that of othergroups were improved(P<0.05 or P<0.01).
You're giving more priority to your personal life than to your studies. It's no wonder your grades are suffering.
Results ① Results of praxiology experiment showed that the learning andmemorizing performance record in model group decreased and that increased in other group (P<0.05 or P<0.01).
1. 成绩下降检讨书范文3篇
2. 学习成绩下降的检讨
3. 高一数学成绩下降的原因总结
4. 1000字成绩下降检讨书
5. 关于成绩下降反思
6. 成绩反思书范文