I'm awfully sorry, i can't do anything more .
实在抱歉 ,我已无能为力了。
- there are other hotels in miami . - l ' m sorry
迈阿密还有别的酒店 实在抱歉
There are other hotels in miami . - l ' m sorry
迈阿密还有别的酒店 实在抱歉
Bugsy ' s the name . - i ' m terribly sorry , i ' m vapant
我叫巴格西-我叫瓦兰特, 实在抱歉 啊
- bugsy ' s the name . - i ' m terribly sorry , i ' m vapant
-我叫巴格西-我叫瓦兰特, 实在抱歉 啊
I ' m so sorry , man . the bird dropped low . i didn ' t see you
实在抱歉 ,鸟飞得太低,我没看见你
I ' m so sorry to call you so lately
实在抱歉 ,这么晚了给您打电话。
I ` m sorry , excuse me , who owes you
实在抱歉 ,对不起,谁欠你
I m sorry , excuse me , who owes you
实在抱歉 ,对不起,谁欠你
I ' m awfully . sorry , misswill get you another if you pke
小姐, 实在抱歉 .如果愿意的话,我再给您换一份
Sorry for trouble you at this awful time , but it is urgent
实在抱歉 这么晚还打电话打搅您,但是事情紧急
I ' m sorry , but there is pttle demand for these goods at present
实在抱歉 ,但是现在这些货物的需求量极小。
I ' m terribly sorry , signore
实在抱歉 ,先生
I ' m sorry , i can ' t
实在抱歉 我不能
I ' m terribly sorry
实在抱歉 。
On the other hand and i ' m no psychiatrist . do excuse me , i have to go tucking the mice
但话说回来,我不是心理医生。 实在抱歉 ,我要去抓耗子了。
I ' m very sorry , ’ he said . ‘ my dog had taken it into the garden . he often does this
“ 实在抱歉 了, ”他说, “我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他常干这种事! ”
I m very sorry , he said . my dog had taken it into the garden . he often does this
“ 实在抱歉 , ”他说, “我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他经常干这种事! ”
But you scolded me in saying , " you don t understand at all ! i am aching to wish i were dead .
*** , 实在抱歉 ,我不能给你过生日了,但我在远方祝你天天快乐!
I ' ll be out of town that day . i ' m sorry . i wish i could go to your party . please say hello to helen for me
当天我要到外地去。 实在抱歉 。但愿我能参加你的派对。请代我向海伦问好。
B : i ' ll be out of town that day . i ' m sorry . i wish i could go to your party . please say hello to helen for me
当天我要到外地去。 实在抱歉 。但愿我能参加你的派对。请代我向海伦问好。
Really ? let me have a look … i ' m really sorry for this problem . i will exchange it right now . did you bring the receipt
是吗?我看一下… … 实在抱歉 ,是我们的问题。我马上给您换。您带收据来了吗?
I took the following picture a few days ago . i apologize for the quapty , it ' s just a snapshot but it speaks volumes
几天以前我拍摄下列照片.照片的效果 实在抱歉 。这张照片仅仅是一张快照,但是它充分地说明了问题
I ' m terribly sorry , but i cannot attend since i have to receive a very important customer from america this afternoon . could it be postponed , if possible , till tomorrow
实在抱歉 ,我无法参加,因为今天下午我必须接待一位从美国来的重要客户,如果可能的话,能不能延到明天?