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2023-01-17 · TA获得超过356个赞






1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。

2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。




1. Did he give a ______ account of what have happened?

A. truthful B. wasteful

C. stressful D. harmful

2. It can kill you if you don’t notice the ______ signals.

A. warned B. misleading

C. warning D. fancy-sounding

3. Then it’s time to join a relaxation class or ______ dancing, painting or gardening.

A. take up B. take into

C. get down D. get into

4. By using UPC, the computer can print out the ______ price of the item.

A. average B. accurate

C. active D. artificial

5. The potato chip bags weigh 75 grams ______.

A. piece B. apiece

C. alike D. a like

6. Many other trains were stopping and ______ their passengers, and there were thousands of people in the station.

A. unfolding B. unlocking

C. unloading D. unfastening

7. Rust ______ very quickly when iron is not protected from dampness by paint, or in some other way.

A. makes B. comes

C. forms D. refines

8. —What’s wrong with him? —He is quite ______ about his chances of getting a decent job.

A. excited B. interested

C. confident D. pessimistic

9. Being away for more than a decade, he is still strongly ______ to his homeland.

A. applied B. assorted

C. attached D. allocated

10. He thought he could ______ from attending the MBA program. That’s why he quit the job.

A. benefit B. gain

C. promote D. achieve

11. The president ______ a plan to cut the government spending in the following year.

A. put off B. put on

C. put forward D. put out

12. You are in a very ______ position to apply for this job. Have a try!

A. comparable B. crucial

C. exclusive D. advantageous

13. All the speakers are required to ______ their speech to this topic.

A. restrict B. limit

C. refer D. confine

14. He has been ______ in advertising for a number of years. Maybe you could turn to him for some advice?

A. estimated B. exposed

C. engaged D. embodied

15. Don’t worry. He’s very much ______ of finishing the job on his own.

A. capable B. strong

C. able D. wise



16. The Drama, ______ almost everyone knows, is by Shakespeare.

A. that B. what

C. which D. how

17. A box of 200 facial tissues costs around ______ of that price.

A. one-three B. two-third

C. three-fourth D. one-third

18. Sally suggested that ______.

A. Chris do the shopping and I clean the room.

B. Chris does the shopping and I clean the room.

C. Chris did the shopping and I clean the room.

D. Chris doing the shopping and I cleaning the room.

19. The doctor warned the patient ______ smoking.

A. from B. to

C. against D. into

20. Britain needs ______ to pay for all the food she imports.

A. exporting B. to export

C. exports D. to have exported

21. He spends ______ 70% of his spare time reading novels or magazines.

A. as many as B. as much as

C. as little as D. as few as

22. Today, about three out of ______ four people in the world wear clothing made of cotton.

A. each B. every

C. any D. the

23. It is rather cold, ______ the sky is clear.

A. however B. therefore

C. and D. but

24. Mary bought a beautiful ______ curtain at the exhibition the other day. It’s exactly what she has been looking for.

A. green large Italian B. Italian large green

C. large Italian green D. large green Italian

25. The news ______ banks will charge higher interest on loans is told in today’s news report.

A. which B. whether

C. what D. that

26. No sooner ______ supper than ______ home.

A. did he finish; his mother came B. he finished; did his mother come

C. had he finished; his mother came D. he had finished; his mother came

27.—What’s wrong?

—I don’t know. The computer ______.

A. can’t work B. won’t work

C. didn’t work D. doesn’t work

28. But no matter how frightening it may be ______ a steel mill, we see steel in use all around us.

A. visiting B. visit

C. to visit D. visited

29. There ______ be a mistake. I clearly remember putting the book here.

A. can B. may

C. must D. should

30. ______ with last year, the average price was reduced by 9 percent.

A. Compared B. Comparing

C. To compare D. Being compared

二、改错 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

下面句子中有 A,B,C,D四个划底线部分,其中有一个是错误的,选出错误部分的字母,无需改正错误。




When there are no differences among countries in the basic capabilities at producing goods, other bases for trade among them may still exist. First, patterns of demand may 41 among nations. For example, most consumers in 42 country may consider dog meat a delicacy, 43 in another country the consumption of dog meat is disgusting. In this case the second country may sell its dog meat to the first country. Trade will be 44 not on differences in the production capabilities of the two countries 45 on different consumption preferences.

Second, trade may occur out of economies of scale, 46 , the cost advantages of large-scale production. For example, Country A and Country B may have the same capability in producing cars and computers, but the cost for the production of both commodities will 47 if

the goods are produced on a larger scale. 48 countries may find it advantageous if each

49 to specialize completely in the production of one commodity and import the other.

50 , trade takes place because of innovation or style. Even though Country A produces enough cars at reasonable costs to meet its own 51 and even to export some, it may

52 import cars from other countries for innovation or variety of style.

To 53 , the theory of international specialization seeks to answer the 54 which countries will produce what goods, with what trade patterns among them. Differences in production conditions, the element highlighted by the theory of comparative advantage, provide the most important part of the answer. But a complete answer must also 55 into account other factors such as patterns of demand, economies of scale and innovation or style.

41. A. differ B. offer

C. refer D. infer

42. A. the B. one

C. an D. that

43. A. so B. if

C. while D. when

44. A. basis B. based

C. basic D. basement

45. A. and B. or

C. however D. but

46. A. for example B. in this case

C. so that D. that is

47. A. increase B. raise

C. decrease D. reduce

48. A. Both B. Neither

C. Either D. All

49. A. is B. were

C. was D. be

50. A. Firstly B. Secondly

C. Thirdly D. Third

51. A. demand B. supply

C. standard D. level

52. A. yet B. thus

C. still D. instead

53. A. add B. summarize

C. include D. contain

54. A. issue B. problem

C. subject D. question

55. A. take B. make

C. fake D. shake



Passage 1

The proposal aims to encourage people to be healthy.

If this new idea in America becomes a law, people who are overweight could suffer financially too.

The US State of Arizona wants to charge overweight citizens $50 annually if they fail to follow their doctors’ advice. People with children or who are overweight because they suffer from a medical condition would be spared from the punishment.

If the idea is approved by the Congress, smokers and diabetics who fail to stick to a healthy lifestyle will also have to pay.

Medicaid, the organisation which provides healthcare to the poor in the USA, costs the government $339 billion a year. Monica Coury, assistant director at Arizona’s Medicaid programme, said that this proposal would ask people to give something back.

She said that Arizona would take a carrot and stick (胡萝卜加大棒) approach to the problem. As well as punishing people who go against their doctors’ wishes, incentives would be offered for following advice, possibly a keep-fit video.

Arizona’s senator Kyrsten Sinema has not backed the plans, saying that there isn’t a system to decide whether someone is or isn’t following medical advice. Other critics claim that people don’t need the government to look after them; if they want to be fat and smoke, the ‘nanny state’ shouldn’t try to stop them.

Wes Benedict of the Libertarian Party said, “If you want to save the state money … cut Medicaid across the board, but don’t single out overweight people and smokers.”

56. According to the proposal, what will happen to those overweight citizens in Arizona if they fail to follow the doctors’ advice?

A. They will receive a keep-fit video.

B. They will be put in prison.

C. They will be fined $50 per year.

D. They will be singled out.

57. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Overweight people with children won’t be fined.

B. The proposal is expected to be passed by the President.

C. Some people suffering a medical condition also become overweight.

D. Medical care for the poor is a heavy burden on the government.

58. The word “incentives” in Paragraph 6 probably means ______.

A. returns B. profits

C. gifts D. awards

59. The reason why Kyrsten Sinema doesn’t support the proposal is ______.

A. people can take good care of themselves

B. every citizen is free to choose their life style

C. no system can tell whether people follow their doctors’ advice

D. it’s the government’s duty to offer medical services

60. What attitude does Wes Benedict hold toward this idea?

A. supportive B. critical

C. indifferent D. suspicious

Passage 2

I was born in the year 1632, in the city of York, of a good family, though not of that country, my father being a foreigner of Bremen, who settled first at Hull. He got a good estate by merchandise, and leaving off his trade, lived afterwards at York, from whence he had married my mother, whose relations were named Robinson, a very good family in that country, and from whom I was called Robinson Kreutznaer; but, by the usual corruption of words in England, we are now called-nay we call ourselves and write our name-Crusoe; and so my companions always called me.

I had two elder brothers, one of whom was lieutenant-colonel to an English regiment of foot in Flanders, formerly commanded by the famous Colonel Lockhart, and was killed at the battle near Dunkirk against the Spaniards. What became of my second brother I never knew, any more than my father or mother knew what became of me.

Being the third son of the family and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts. My father, who was very ancient, had given me a competent share of learning, as far as house-education and a country free school generally go, and designed me for the law; but I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea; and my inclination to this led me so strongly against the will, nay, the commands of my father, and against all the entreaties(恳求) and persuasions of my mother and other friends, that there seemed to be something fatal in that propensity(倾向) of nature, tending directly to the life of misery which was to befall me.

61. The word “lieutenant-colonel” in the second paragraph most probably means “______”.

A. lawyer B. businessman

C. manager D. leader of the troop

62. Robinson Crusoe got his name Robinson from ______.

A. a Bremen’s foreigner

B. the corruption of words in England

C. mother’s relatives’, a very good family at York

D. both A and B

63. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Robinson Crusoe was an obedient child who’d like to be a lawyer

B. Robinson Crusoe was strongly against the will of his father

C. Robinson Crusoe cared nothing of the will of his mother

D. Robinson Crusoe would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea

64. It can be inferred from the passage that Robinson Crusoe was designed for ______.

A. the navy B. the law

C. foreign trade D. the colonel

65. This passage would probably be ______.

A. the end of a fiction B. the beginning of a news report

C. the end of commentary D. the beginning of a novel




(一) 将下列词语译成中文 (5分)

66. excess reserves

67. economic literature

68. short-distance distribution

69. comparable economy

70. replacement cost

(二)将下列词语译成英文 (5分)

71. 贸易差额

72. 交通高峰时间

73. 收款台

74. 公众利益

75. 保险费

六、英汉句子互译 (本大题共4小题,共15分)

(一)将下列句子译成中文 (8分)

76. A large percentage of women employees complained that they had been subjected to unfair treatment in the work place. (4分)

77. The government encourages its people to buy less expensive goods made at home, instead of more expensive imported products. (4分)

(二)将下列句子译成英文 (7分)

78. 他们以合理的价格卖给我们医疗设备。(3分)

79. 要是没有从无形贸易中挣得的钱,英国将几乎年年出现赤字。(4分)
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