我的问题是,随机读取端口号建立链接这步怎么实现,网上的教学都是指定好了固定的IP和端口(例如Socket s = new Socket("", 10005);)。
PS JAVA初学,以前只学过C和C++
In this assignment, you will be creating a set of processes P that are launched on different machines. At each process, you will read information about this set of processes from a text file: each line in the file will contain the host and port information for the process comprising this set. A process should never attempt to connect to itself; so it should not appear its list of available processes. It follows that the config file at each process will be different.
Each process participates in a set of rounds. Each round involves a process connecting to a randomly chosen process in the set of processes P. All communications in the system will be based on TCP. Once a connection is established to a random node, the initiating process sends 5 messages to the targeted process. The payload of each message is a random integer (positive or negative). At the end of each round the socket connection is closed and the process is repeated by choosing another node at random from the set P. Each process will initiate 5000 such rounds.
每个进程都参与几轮。每一轮涉及到一组进程连接到随机选择的进程。系统中的所有通信将基于TCP。一旦连接建立到随机节点,启动过程就会向目标进程发送5条消息。每个消息的有效负载是一个随机整数(正或负)。在每一轮结束时,套接字连接被关闭,并且通过从集合P中随机选择另一个节点来重复该过程。每个过程将发起5000个这样的回合。 展开
我的问题是,随机读取端口号建立链接这步怎么实现,网上的教学都是指定好了固定的IP和端口(例如Socket s = new Socket("", 10005);)。
PS JAVA初学,以前只学过C和C++
In this assignment, you will be creating a set of processes P that are launched on different machines. At each process, you will read information about this set of processes from a text file: each line in the file will contain the host and port information for the process comprising this set. A process should never attempt to connect to itself; so it should not appear its list of available processes. It follows that the config file at each process will be different.
Each process participates in a set of rounds. Each round involves a process connecting to a randomly chosen process in the set of processes P. All communications in the system will be based on TCP. Once a connection is established to a random node, the initiating process sends 5 messages to the targeted process. The payload of each message is a random integer (positive or negative). At the end of each round the socket connection is closed and the process is repeated by choosing another node at random from the set P. Each process will initiate 5000 such rounds.
每个进程都参与几轮。每一轮涉及到一组进程连接到随机选择的进程。系统中的所有通信将基于TCP。一旦连接建立到随机节点,启动过程就会向目标进程发送5条消息。每个消息的有效负载是一个随机整数(正或负)。在每一轮结束时,套接字连接被关闭,并且通过从集合P中随机选择另一个节点来重复该过程。每个过程将发起5000个这样的回合。 展开
ip和端口不都在文本文档里面的吗? 用IO流读取文本文档内容不就能获得ip与端口了.

2024-10-17 广告
ZigBee 协议属于高级通信协议,是基于上世界的IEEE协会制定的802协议,主要约束了网路的无线协议、通讯协议、安全协议和应用需求等方面的标准,其有效转播速率可以达到300Kbps (千比特率)。 和计算机通信的模式类似,ZigBee的...