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当今现代英语的使用越来越广泛,学习英语的热潮也是从来未见消褪。而且随着社会的发展和科技的进步,英语词汇也在不断地更新、扩大,英语能力的提高在很大程度上取决于词汇的积累,运... 当今现代英语的使用越来越广泛,学习英语的热潮也是从来未见消褪。而且随着社会的发展和科技的进步,英语词汇也在不断地更新、扩大,英语能力的提高在很大程度上取决于词汇的积累,运用与扩展。词汇量的扩大是提高学生听、说、读、写四种技能的前提。词汇教贯穿整个英语教学的始终,是英语教学中长期而艰巨的任务,是英语教学成功与否的关键。英语学习者掌握词汇的多少,也是反映其英语水平的标志之一。著名语言学家威尔金斯说:“Without grammar very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed。(没有语法人们表达的事物廖廖无几,而没有词汇人们则无法表达任何事物) 中学学生已经有一定的词汇基础,要不断扩大词汇量,掌握丰富、大量的词汇,提高英语水平与能力。所以在英语教学中教师就应该重视学生的英语词汇学习。对于词汇记忆与教学这个问题提,需要有科学的语言学习理论作指导,又要讲究一定的教学方法,本论文就是在这种情况下立题的,旨在探讨研究在中学英语词汇教学的一些策略方法。在教学过程中,教师要积极探索尝试,多角度多渠道采用灵活有效的方法,使学生积极掌握所学词汇。认真深入研究,不断改进词汇教学,加强词汇教学的实用性和趣味性,在词汇教学的各个环节中使用多种有效的词汇教学方法。
也谢谢其他的朋友, 谢谢你们的译文和帮助 ! (∩_∩)
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2010-09-05 · TA获得超过779个赞
Nowadays modern English is more and more widely used , and the trend of learning English is never seen faded.with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, English vocabulary is in constant updates. and improving the capability of English depends largely on the use and expanding, accumulation of vocabulary.The enlargement of vocabulary is the precondition of improving students' skill of listening,speaking,reading and writting.
Vocabulary teaching throughouts the whole process of English teaching ,which is a long and arduous task and in the same time the key to success of English teaching.How does English learners master the vocabulary of English also reflects its one of the mark of his English level. As a famous linguist named Wilkins said:Without grammar very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.Middle school student has the basis of vocabulary in a way,it's important for them to enlarge their vocabulary,to master more and richer words in order to improve thier English.Therefore a teacher is bond to think highly of the learning of English vocabulary.
As to the memorization and teachhing of vocabulary,the direction of scientific theory of language learning is in need,and also some certain teaching method is also of high value. All these things above are foundations of my thesis,with the aim to make a research of strategies and methods of vocabulary teaching in middle school. In the process of teaching, teachers should explore and take trials to get flexible and effective methods with multiple channels and angles,and eventually make students grasp the vocabulary they've learned.make deep researches, improve the teaching of vocabulary and strengthen the practicability and interests of vocabulary teaching,and use various and effective methods in every link of vocabulary teaching .
2010-09-06 · TA获得超过2623个赞
Nowadays modern English is more and more widely used , and the trend of learning English is never seen faded.with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, English vocabulary is in constant updates. and improving the capability of English depends largely on the use and expanding, accumulation of vocabulary.The enlargement of vocabulary is the precondition of improving students' skill of listening,speaking,reading and writting.
Vocabulary teaching throughouts the whole process of English teaching ,which is a long and arduous task and in the same time the key to success of English teaching.How does English learners master the vocabulary of English also reflects its one of the mark of his English level. As a famous linguist named Wilkins said:Without grammar very little can be conveyed; Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.Middle school student has the basis of vocabulary in a way,it's important for them to enlarge their vocabulary,to master more and richer words in order to improve thier English.Therefore a teacher is bond to think highly of the learning of English vocabulary.
As to the memorization and teachhing of vocabulary,the direction of scientific theory of language learning is in need,and also some certain teaching method is also of high value. All these things above are foundations of my thesis,with the aim to make a research of strategies and methods of vocabulary teaching in middle school. In the process of teaching, teachers should explore and take trials to get flexible and effective methods with multiple channels and angles,and eventually make students grasp the vocabulary they've learned.make deep researches, improve the teaching of vocabulary and strengthen the practicability and interests of vocabulary teaching,and use various and effective methods in every link of vocabulary teaching .
(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……,翻译一遍不容易啊,希望能符合你的原意!
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Nowadays more and more widely used in modern English, learning English is never seen flashes coincide. But with the development of society and the progress of science and technology, English vocabulary is in constant updates, expand, and improve the capability of English vocabulary depends largely on the use and expand, accumulate. The vocabulary is to improve students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Vocabulary teaching throughout the whole of English teaching is teaching English, long and arduous task, it is the key to success for English teaching. How many English learners to master the vocabulary of English, but also reflects its one of the marks. Famous linguists Wilkins said: "Without grammar conveyed capable for vocabulary; Without which no conveyed capable. (the things people express grammar, vocabulary, people can not express anything) high school students have certain glossary foundation, to enlarge their vocabulary, rich, a large vocabulary and improve my English level and ability in teaching English. So the teacher should pay attention to the students of the English vocabulary learning and teaching in vocabulary memory. This question, need to have scientific language learning theory, and to pay attention to certain teaching method, this thesis is in this situation LiTi, explores research in middle school English vocabulary teaching methods of some strategies. In the process of teaching, teachers should actively explore and try using multiple channels, flexible and effective method to make students actively learning vocabulary. Serious research, continuous improvement and strengthening vocabulary teaching of vocabulary teaching practicability and interesting, in every aspect of vocabulary teaching in various effective use of vocabulary teaching methods.
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