完形填空People have different ways to get to other places.In big cities,people like to take buses,
trains or subways to get1one place to another.Getting to other places can sometimes be difficult,especially when you are going to a place for the2time.Buses are a popular3of transportation.If you are using a bus,you need to know4bus to take and where you right bus and6your destination on time.At last,you need to know the name of the7and8t get off.In the countryside,transportation can be very simple.In someplaces,people go to school or work9boat.Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school.In10places,students walk to school.1AfromBofCtoDbetween2AfirstBsecondConeDtwo3AmeanBwaysCthe wayDmeans4AwhatBwhereCwhichDwhy5AforgetBwriteCreadDtake6Aget toBarriveCreach inDarrive to7AstationBstopCcityDbus8AwhyBwhereCwhatDhow9AonBinCbyDat10AotherBothersCanotherDelse
People have different ways to get to other places. In big cities, people like to take buses, people like to take buses, trains or subways to get FROM one place to another. Getting to other places can sometimes be difficult, especially when you are going to a place for the FIRST time. Buses are a popular MEAN of transportation. If you are using a bus, you need to know WHICH bus to take and where you can get on. You should READ the timetable right, so you can take the right bus and GET TO your destination on time. At last, you need to know the name of the STOP and WHERE to get off. In the countryside, transportation can be very simple. In some places, people go to school or work BY boat. Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school. In OTHER places, students walk to school.
1. A. from
2. A. first
3. A. mean (a popular mean of transportation,“a” 表示是单数,buses虽是众数,但属同一类,故只视作单数)
4. C. which
5. C. read (这是原文漏掉的部份)
6. A. get to(只能选get to,若用arrive,必须是“arrive at”;若用reach,就之后不加介词)
7. B. stop
8. B. where
9. C. by
10. A. other
People have different ways to get to other places. In big cities, people like to take buses, people like to take buses, trains or subways to get FROM one place to another. Getting to other places can sometimes be difficult, especially when you are going to a place for the FIRST time. Buses are a popular MEAN of transportation. If you are using a bus, you need to know WHICH bus to take and where you can get on. You should READ the timetable right, so you can take the right bus and GET TO your destination on time. At last, you need to know the name of the STOP and WHERE to get off. In the countryside, transportation can be very simple. In some places, people go to school or work BY boat. Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school. In OTHER places, students walk to school.
1. A. from
2. A. first
3. A. mean (a popular mean of transportation,“a” 表示是单数,buses虽是众数,但属同一类,故只视作单数)
4. C. which
5. C. read (这是原文漏掉的部份)
6. A. get to(只能选get to,若用arrive,必须是“arrive at”;若用reach,就之后不加介词)
7. B. stop
8. B. where
9. C. by
10. A. other