the time is now的歌词。【中英文】

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推荐于2016-12-01 · TA获得超过196个赞
The Time To Kill Is Now 杀戮之时将至 [Music and lyrics by Alex Webster] We see them coming a mile away 我们看到他们在不远处 Gathered to kill on the desolate plain 集结起来准备杀戮 No fear in our minds 心中没有恐惧 Pure hate in our hearts 有的只是纯粹的憎恶 Miscalculation of our strength their bane 轻敌是其灾难的出处 Take us lightly and we'll make you pay 无力的抗争,让你们将代价付出 Pride left them defenseless 骄傲使他们毫无防备 No mercy for Hubris 对于傲慢,我们从不宽恕 [Solo: Pat O'Brien] They rush to fight us and we stand and wait 他们发起冲锋,我们坚守等待 Pulses quicken as they take the bait 心跳加速,他们即将落入全套 Mere seconds to slaughter 一瞬间的杀戮 We can wait no longer 我们难以等待 Closing fast with their weapons high 他们高举武器,奔袭而至 Still believing it's we that will die 依然坚信自己终会胜利 Now the ambush is sprung 霎时,伏兵突现 Now they learn they were wrong 瞬间,他们意识到了不利 Now the killing will start 此时,杀伐将起 Tear the bastards apart 泪水落地崩离 They thought it would be easy but now they're being crushed 曾经不屑的战斗造成了他们的崩陷落 Arrogance of power leaves them dying in their blood 垂死的挣扎,只是狂妄的结果 There will be no mercy for these filthy sons of whores 对其污秽的结果,我们没有仁慈 The innards of my enemies impaled upon my sword 发自肺腑的仇恨汇聚在我们手中的剑端 Many years we've waited for this final day of slaughter 这屠戮的日子,我们以期待多年 Our victims are decapitated, their limbs are torn asunder 我们的祭品,已头颅陨落,肢体分离 Careful preparation brought our haughty victims down 精心的策划,终让我们的敌人沦陷 Our forces are at full strength and the time to kill is now. 我们体内充斥着力量,杀戮之时终至 Time to kill is now 杀戮之时终至 Time to kill 杀戮的时刻 They are all dead, it's their end today 他们俱已死亡,这就是他们的终章 All lost their lives in tremendous pain 在无边的痛苦中,他们生命中止符被烙上 Not one has survived 无人生还 We left none alive 我任何人都没被释放 Do not doubt our conviction to kill 不要怀疑我们杀戮 Hate on our side we will never fail 心中充满仇恨,我们决不会败 Now the killing will start 现在杀伐伊始 Tear the bastards apart 泪水落地崩离 Strike the enemy down 击垮敌人 The time to kill is motherfucking now 杀戮之时即将到来
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