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2015-09-12 · TA获得超过2.5万个赞
In the last century American Missouri warren,a wave of Mr.Keep a named "old drum" hound.a "Old neighbor hangzhou drum" run to Mr Berlusconi's backyard,hangzhou,unfortunately,Mr Berlusconi was killed.The local court case has been playing to the Supreme Court.The Supreme Court,Mr.Agent frost court jury speech this JiWen eternal praise "- the dog.The jury convicted wave,deeply touched by the other,Mr.For $500.Since then,frost's speech became the world love dogs who recite classics,and against the people.Locals to hound "old drum" built a monument,which was engraved with the praise of the dog full-text -- Everybody jury:In this world,a person's friends may and resist him,into an enemy.He had the kindness son also may become a revolting and a rebellious unfilial behaviour.We are the most closely,most recently,those who are with all our happiness and reputation of trust,loyalty and may rebel into pieces.A man has might lose money,probably the most need it in a pair of wings.A man's reputation may be in weeks.The instant clouds fly Those used in our success is our knees flattery is probably when failure settles its cloud upon our heads at the first piece of stone throw cover-up.Can have in this selfish world,the one without friends of how selfish,only not abandon his friend,never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.Everyone,regardless of the jury is poor or rocketing,health or disease,the dog will keep on his master's side.Only he may be near his master,even the cold,hard bise blows,the snow drift,it will also crazy about all lay in their owners.If the host does not feed it,it will lick the owner's hand and master hand against the cold because of the world and the wounds.Even though it is a beggar,it is like a prince kept his guardian.When all the friends,it is perseverance.When riches take wings,and reputation falls to pieces,he is as in his love as the sun in its journey through the air,forever.If because of the destiny of the host,which led the world in a homeless wanderer,this only loyal dog owners,and master requirement with joint dangerous,against an enemy,another is begged.When the end of all things,death seize the master's life,his body was buried in a cold when the soil,even though all his head - but the noble dog graveside will alone,loyal,until death.在上个世纪美国密苏里州的沃伦斯堡,有位波登先生养了一只名叫“老鼓”的猎犬.有一 次“老鼓”跑到邻居杭斯贝先生的后院里,不幸被杭斯贝先生杀死.官司由地方法院一直打到最高法院.在最高法院,波登先生的代理人佛斯特向法庭陪审团演讲了这篇千古奇文——《狗的赞美》.陪审团深受感动,便判波登先生胜诉,由对方赔偿500美元.从此,佛斯特的演讲便成了世界各国爱狗人的经典,万人争诵.当地人还为猎犬“老鼓”建了一座纪念碑,碑上刻着《狗的赞美》的全文—— 各位陪审官:在这个世界上,一个人的好友可能和他作对,变成敌人.他用慈爱所培养起来的儿子也可能变得忤逆不孝.那些我们最感密切、最感新近的人,那些我们用全部幸福和名誉信托的人,都可能会舍忠心而成叛逆.一个人所拥有的钱财可能会失去,很可能在最需要它时插翅高飞.一个人的声誉可能在考虑欠周的一瞬间云飞燕散.那些习惯在我们成功时屈膝奉承我们的人很可能就是当失败的阴云笼罩在我们头上时掷第一块阴毒之石的人.在这个自私的世界上,一个惟一毫不自私怎么的朋友,惟一不舍弃他的朋友,惟一不忘恩负义的朋友,就是他的爱狗.各位陪审官,不论主人是穷困潦倒或飞黄腾达、健康或疾病,狗会守在主人的身边.只要能靠近主人,就算地面冷硬,寒风吹袭,大雪狂飘,它也会全不在意地躺在主人身边.纵使主人没食物喂它,它仍会舐主人的手和主人手上因抵抗这个冷酷的世界而受的创伤.纵然它的主人是乞丐,它也像守护王子一样守着他.当所有朋友都掉头而去,它却坚定不移.当财富消失、声誉扫地时,它对主人的爱仍如空中运行不息的太阳一样,永恒不变.假如因命运的作弄,它的主人在世界上变成一个无家的流浪者,这只忠诚的狗只要求陪伴主人,和主人共同应付危险,对抗敌人,另外毫无奢求.当万物的结局来临,死亡夺取了主人的生命,他的尸体埋葬在冰冷的泥土下时——纵然所有的亲友都各奔前程——这只高贵的狗却会独守墓旁,忠心耿耿,直到死亡.
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