
 我来答
The weekend of the National Holiday, I went to Florida and had a happy time. Ji Hong, Liu Zhenguo. Pan Yi and I went there by car. It was fun. We went to the Sea World, Universal Studio and the beach.There are a lot of sea animals at the Sea World. We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows. They are all dancing and splashing white flowers of water onto the audience. The whales are especially naughty. They made half of the people in the stadium wet all over. The shark stadium is very large and people just stand in the glass tube surrounded by all kinds of sharks. They open their mouth as if trying to engulf us or communicate with us. Who knows?The Universl Studio is where Hollywood films are made. It was real fun to ride in the movies, just like you were in the film yourself. In "Back to the Future", we rode through the time tunnel, went through the vocanoes, dinosaurs and all kinds of planets. It is made so real life and so horrihle that everybody sereams. It was very exciting. Our car went directly into the dinosaur’s big mouth. It is all made by hitech. We went to see how the horror films were made. I was chosen to show the effect and was so scared. It was not so funny. I don’t like horror films.We went to the beach and saw the sea for the first time. I admire her vastness and greatness. The sun threw her remaining rays onto the sea. The sea lies there silent, tolerant of everything.一段愉快的时光国庆节的那个周末,我和季红、刘振国、潘毅几个朋友乘小汽车到达佛罗里达州,在那里玩得很痛快。我们一道游览了水上世界、宇宙室和沙滩,真是太有趣了。水上世界有很多海底动物。我们看了海豚、海牛、海狮和鲸的表演。他们都在跳舞,溅了观众一身水花。鲸鱼特别调皮,把看台上一半的观众都弄湿了。观看鲨鱼的看台很大,人们站在玻璃管道中,周围尽是各种鲨鱼。他们张着大嘴好像要把我们吞下还是和我们对话,谁知道呢?宇宙室是好莱坞拍电影的地方。在电影中乘车真有趣,好像自己也在电影中。在《回到未来》中,我们穿过时间隧道、火山、恐龙和各种行星。一切都那么逼真、骇怕,大家都叫了起来,很刺激。我们的车直接穿过恐龙的大嘴。这一切都是用高科技制作的。我们去看恐怖影片的制作,我被选出来显示效果,大可怕了。一点也不好玩,我不喜欢恐怖影片。我们去了沙滩,笫一次看到了大海。我羡慕他的搏大。大阳的余辉洒在海面上。这时,大海静默地包容了一切。其中人名你改改,多多包涵!
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