01. Arcane Echoes (Duke)
02. Arrival at Kalimdor (Bush)
03. Awakening (Bush)
04. Blackrock & Roll (Stafford)
05. Blight (Duke)
06. Bloodlust (Duke)
07. Carrion Waves (Duke)
08. Cinematic Suite (Hayes)
09. Doomhammer's Legacy (Bush)
10. Frostmourne (Stafford)
11. Lordaeron Fall (Stafford)
12. Reign Of Chaos (Duke)
13. Rise of the Ancients (Bush)
14. Temporary Alliances (Bush)
15. The Calm (Bush)
1. Dark Covenant
2. Dreadlords' Plight
3. Return of the Ancients
4. Legacy of Flame