帮忙鉴赏一下华斯华兹的tintern abbey
The subjects of the poem include memory, specificly, the childhood memeories of communion with natrual beauty.
The main theme is that the memory of pure communion with nature in childhood works upon the mind even in adulthood, when acess to that pure communion has been lost, and that the maturity of mind present in adulthood offers compensation for the loss of that communion-- the ability to look on nature and hear human music; that is, to see the nature with an eye towards its relationship to human life.
Addionally, in his youth, the poet was thoughtless in his unity with the woods and the river; now, five years later, he is no longer thoughtless, but aware of everything the scene has offered to him The presence of his sister gives him a view of himself as he imagines him to have been youth. Happily, he knows that this current experience will provide both of them wiht the future memories.
The main theme is that the memory of pure communion with nature in childhood works upon the mind even in adulthood, when acess to that pure communion has been lost, and that the maturity of mind present in adulthood offers compensation for the loss of that communion-- the ability to look on nature and hear human music; that is, to see the nature with an eye towards its relationship to human life.
Addionally, in his youth, the poet was thoughtless in his unity with the woods and the river; now, five years later, he is no longer thoughtless, but aware of everything the scene has offered to him The presence of his sister gives him a view of himself as he imagines him to have been youth. Happily, he knows that this current experience will provide both of them wiht the future memories.