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2022-06-27 · TA获得超过5381个赞



I used to think I had just come to this school. I didn't think that I would leave.

I have already experienced the graduation from the primary school and the separation of the students, now face again to leave, the heart is a lot of nature. When I first entered the campus, I never thought that one day it would have so much dissatisfaction with it. At that time, I felt that this campus would restrict me and limit my freedom. We can't go out for a long time. Our school is closed management, and two weeks off. Once in two weeks, it can only stay on campus.

Over the past three years, there have been many frictions with classmates, but most of them have been harvested for friendship. Contradictions between children can always be solved very quickly. Unhappy things will be thrown away by a candy.

After graduation, I also know that will probably never see some of the students, and primary school students as separate as before, say to the party after graduation, but there is few people can meet again, think about it, if the University, it is more difficult to meet again?

Graduation is always linked to separation.

I graduated. It seems that I can't see each other anymore.

So, I hope that after having experienced the separation again and again, I can cherish the people around me and cherish the people in front of me, for fear that after a certain time, I will never see them again.


At a loss, I have waved farewell to junior middle school, no longer a junior high school student, I graduated.

After graduation he always bored to live every day. The relaxation of life has also become the color of life. I began to miss the little bit of junior high school, even in the third day of tension...

With that graduation picture in hand, no one has a smile of graduation. I don't want to cry or cry. I think I have only the memory that I have now, the melancholy.

I remember the day seven drizzle, the sky is not too much color, I go to school with an umbrella, a few words on the way.

At school, they said that the scores were on the floor, and I went. There are a lot of people around there. I took my ideal high school for granted, but I was not happy in my heart. I quietly left the crowd and walked up to the teaching building and came to the side of my classroom. In the summer, the leaves of the tree are bright green, and the mint color is refreshing.

Nobody in the classroom, the door is locked, I just looked at the blackboard brush, then pick the entrance countdown, ears as if again sounded the clock ticking sound of running......

Come back from the school, some students call, should be very happy, I do not know why the heart acid, just a few words of downplay.

I cried, I do not know why, just suddenly want to forget everything, want to forget them...

After graduation, I want to forget the past, but I can't bear to remember the past.

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