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2022-06-25 · TA获得超过1.2万个赞


  在美国,一些人提倡使用乙醇燃料来代替汽油。然而,很多评论家认为一些原因使得乙醇燃料不是良好的汽油 替代品。托福TPO22综合写作的材料就乙醇燃料是否是很好的汽油替代品进行了分析。下面是我整理的材料和范文,欢迎阅读!


  The reading and listening materials have a conflict of opinions about ethanol fuel. The writer believes that it is not a good alternative to gasoline, which is contradicted by the following lecture.

  Firstly, the writer claims that ethanol fuel fails to solve the environment pollution since it also releases carbon dioxide when burned. However, the speaker opposes the claim by saying that ethanol fuel is made of plants like corn, which absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as part of its nutrition. So the process of growing the plant counteracts the release of green house gas emission.

  Secondly, the writer states that the production of ethanol fuel would lead to a decline in source of food for farm animals, while the lecture views this issue from an opposite angle. According to him, ethanol fuel is made of cellulose, which is not eaten by animals. As a result, the amount of animal food won't be reduced at all.

  Third, the passage argues that ethanol fuel is less competitive than gasoline in terms of price because it is still relying on government's subsidies. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, the reading's claim does not hold water. It will no longer be necessary for government to subsidize ethanol fuel because an increase in demand will result in an increase in production, which gives rise to a drop in its price. According to a study, if the production of ethanol fuel is three times greater than it is now, the price will drop by 40%.


  Ethanol fuel, made from plants such as corn and sugar cane, has been advocated by some people as an alternative to gasoline in the United States. However, many critics argue that ethanol is not a good replacement for gasoline for several reasons.


  燃料来代替汽油。然而,很多评论家认为一些原因使得乙醇燃料不是良好的汽油 替代品。

  First, the increased use of ethanol fuel would not help to solve one of the biggest environmental problems caused by gasoline use: global warming. Like gasoline, ethanol releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when it is burned for fuel, and carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas: it helps trap heat in the atmosphere. Thus, ethanol offers no environmental advantage over gasoline.

  首先,使用汽油带来的最大的问题之一是全球变暖,而对于乙醇燃料使用的增加 并不能解决这个问题。同汽油一样,乙醇燃烧后向大气释放二氧化碳,而二氧化 碳是温室气体。它会保持大气层内的温度。因而,相对于汽油来说,乙醇并没有 环保优势。

  Second, the production of significant amounts of ethanol would dramatically reduce the amount of plants available for uses other than fuel. For example, much of the corn now grown in the United States is used to feed farm animals such as cows and chickens. It is estimated that if ethanol were used to satisfy just 10 percent of the fuel needs in the United States, more than 60 percent of the corn currently grown in the United States would have to be used to produce ethanol. If most of the corn were used to produce ethanol, a substantial source of food for animals would disappear.

  第二,乙醇产品的大量增加会导致用于其他目的作物数量减少。比如,在美国很 多的玉米都是用来作动物饲料来喂养牛和鸡。可以推测,如果乙醇只满足美国对 燃料需要的 10%,那么美国就要用现在玉米产量的 60%用来制造乙醇燃料。如 果把玉米产量的大部分用来生产乙醇燃料的话,那么家畜主要的食物来源就不复 存在了。

  Third, ethanol fuel will never be able to compete with gasoline on price. Although the prices of ethanol and gasoline for the consumer are currently about the same, this is only because of the help in the form of tax subsidies given to ethanol producers by the United States government. These tax subsidies have cost the United States government over $11 billion in the past 30 years. If the United States government were to stop helping the producers in this way, the price of ethanol would increase greatly.

  第三,乙醇燃料在价格上永远无法与汽油竞争。虽然目前对消费者来说,乙醇燃 料和汽油的相差无几,但是只是因为美国政府以税收补贴的形式补助乙醇燃料制 造商。这个税收补贴在过去的三十年花掉了美国政府 110 亿美元。如果美国政 府停止以这种形式帮助制造商,那么乙醇燃料的价格会大幅升高。


  Ethanol actually is a good alternative to gasoline although you just read three reasons why it is not a good alternative. Not one of these three reasons is convincing.



  First, the increased use of ethanol will not add to global warming. It is true that when ethanol is burned, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. But as you read, ethanol was often made from plants such as corn. Well, the process of growing the plants counteracts this release of carbon dioxide. Let me explain. Every growing plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as a part of its nutrition. So, growing plants for ethanol production actually removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

  首先,提高对乙醇燃料的使用不会导致全球变暖。诚然,燃烧乙醇燃料的时候是 会向空气中排放二氧化碳。但是,就像在阅读部分看到的,通常来说乙醇燃料是 由玉米之类的`作物制造的。恩,这些作物生长的过程中可以抵消掉乙醇燃料燃烧 所释放的二氧化碳的。我来解释一下。所有作物在生长的过程中都会吸收空气中 的二氧化碳作为养料。所以,为制造乙醇燃料而种植的作物事实上可以吸收乙醇 燃料排放到空气中的二氧化碳。

  Second, large scale production of ethanol does not have to reduce the source of food for animals. That is because we can produce ethanol using cellulose. Cellulose is the main component of plants’ cell walls, and you find most cellulose in those parts of plants that are not eaten by animals. So, since we can produce ethanol from the plant parts that are not eaten, the amount of animals feed that is available will not be reduced.

  第二,大量生产乙醇燃料不会减少畜牧业的饲料供应。这是因为我们用纤维素制 造乙醇燃料。纤维素是植物细胞壁的主要组成成分,而且多数作物富含纤维素的 部分都是家畜不食用的。所以,鉴于我们是使用家畜不食用的部分来制造乙醇燃 料的,那么家畜可使用的饲料不会减少。

  Third, in the future, ethanol will be able to compete with gasoline in term of price. It is true that the government subsidies make up ethanol is cheaper than it would normally be, but this support would not always be needed. Once enough people start buying ethanol, ethanol producers will increase their production of ethanol. Generally, increased production of a product leads to a drop in its price, so the price of ethanol will go down as more of it becomes available. Study shows that if ethanol production could be three times greater than it is now, the cost of producing a unit of ethanol would drop by forty percent.

  第三,在未来,乙醇燃料可以在价格上同汽油竞争的。确实,现在政府的补贴政 策使得乙醇燃料的价格比实际要低,但是这样的补贴政策不需要一直存在。一点 有足够多的人购买乙醇燃料,那么乙醇燃料的制造商将会更多地生产。 一般来说,对某产品的生产增多会导致价格下降,所以当乙醇燃料燃料的产量增 加之后,价格也会随之下降。研究表明如果乙醇燃料产品的产量增加三倍, 那么每个单位乙醇燃料的价格将会下降 40%。

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