不用谢可以说no thanks吗
no thanks是不用了,谢谢,一般是别人问你需要什么的情况下委婉的拒绝,表示不用谢一般是not at all或者That's all right。
not at all造句:
1、I am not at all satisfied with the present situation. 我对现状根本不满意。
2、I am not at all convinced by your explanation. 您的解释完全不能使我信服。
3、It seemed he was not at all at ease. 他好像十分不安。
4、I am afraid its not at all what I want. 对不起,这根本不是我想要的。
5、She doesnt like going to school at all.她一点也不喜欢去上学
6、Her present owner is not at all to her liking! 她目前的这个主人、她简直不喜欢。
7、But Im not at all convinced about that. 但我根本无法相信此事。
8、I am not at all convinced about that. 我根本没法确信此事。
9、Would you mind waiting a minute? Not at all. 你等我一下行吗?--可以[行]。
10、Oh,dear. Thats dreadful. Not at all what I expect. 哎哟,天啊。糟透了。根本就不是我所希望的那样。
11、Im not at all keen on that sort of work. 我根本不喜欢那种工作。
12、No, not at all, do as you please. 不,一点也不,随你的便。
13、I must make it clear(that) I am not at all pleased about your delay. 我必须说明,我对您的耽搁感到非常不快。
14、He did not at all grapple with the real question. 他根本没有设法处理真正的问题。
15、I do not like math at all .我一点也不喜欢数学。
16、I should not restrain myself, not at all! 你以为我有什么事做不出的!
17、He is not at all what he is cried out to be. 他根本不是他所表白的那种人。