The gatt permits countries to levy anti-dumping duties if their industries are or might be injured .
关税及贸易总协定 允许各国在其工业受到或可能受到损害时征收倾销税。
Governments subsidize exports in many ways, even though they do so quietly to escape indictment under gatt .
各国政府用许多方式来补贴出口,尽管它们是暗中进行的,以逃避 关税及贸易总协定 的指控。
General agreement on tariffs and trade
关税及贸易总协定 关贸总协定
Wto world trade organization
In return , washington would support china ' s membership in the general agreement on tariffs and trade
作为回报,华盛顿支持中国加入 关税及贸易总协定 。
The gatt agreement is credited with promoting agreements resulting in average global tariff barriers by 1972
关税及贸易总协定 促使全球关税壁垒到1972年平均降至8 % ,因而受到赞誉。
Three years later , in 1947 , 23 nations approved the general agreement on tariffs and trade , or gatt
三年后,即1947年, 23个国家终于同意建立《 关税及贸易总协定 》 ,即《关贸总协定》 。
Three years later , in 1947 , 23 nations approved the general agreement on tariffs and trade , or gatt
三年后,也就是1947年, 23个成员国一致同意通过《 关税及贸易总协定 》 ,即《关贸总协定》 。
Similarly gatt is credited with encouraging the use of parative advantage , aimed at the production of the best products possible at the lowest price possible
同样, 关税及贸易总协定 的功绩还在于它鼓励利用比较优势,即以尽可能低的价格生产最好的产品。
Under the unconditional form , any tariff concessions granted to a third party is granted to the party , a principle that was included in the 1948 general agreement on tariff and trade
无条件最惠国待遇是向缔约国提供给予第三国的一切关税优惠,这是在1948年签订的《 关税及贸易总协定 》中所包括的一项原则。
While the international trade organization was rejected by the us senate , its successor organization the general agreement on trade & tariffs ( gatt ) would be estabpshed in 1946 to pursue the same goals without the same enforcement provisions
国际贸易组织被美国参议院否决后,其继承机构 关税及贸易总协定 于1946年成立,失去了原来的强制措施却须达到同样的目标。
Prior to that , hong kong had been a signatory to the agreement on government procurement negotiated under the general agreement on tariffs and trade . from 1 july 1997 onwards , hong kong has continued to be a party in the name of " hong kong , china "
在此之前,香港一直是 关税及贸易总协定 所议定的政府采购协定的缔约成员。自一九九七年七月一日后,香港以中国香港的名义继续其世贸采购协定成员身份。
Prior to that , hong kong had been a signatory to the agreement on government procurement negotiated under the general agreement on tariffs and trade ( gatt ) . from 1 july 1997 onwards , hong kong has continued to be a party in the name of " hong kong , china "
在此之前,香港一直是 关税及贸易总协定 所议定的政府采购协定的缔约成员。自一九九七年七月一日后,香港以中国香港的名义继续其世贸采购协定成员身份。
Starting at the earper of the release of service pack 1 for windows xp or 12 months after the submission of this final judgment to the court , microsoft shall disclose to isvs , ihvs , iaps , icps , and oems , for the sole purpose of interoperating with a windows operating system product , via the microsoft developer work " msdn " or similar mechani *** s , the apis and related documentation that are used by microsoft middleware to interoperate with a windows operating system product
专家组最终裁决,美国不可以在世贸组织争端解决机构作出决定之前单方面确定制裁措施,但“ 301条款”并不违反世界贸易组织和 关税及贸易总协定 的有关规定。这一裁决,使得美国事实上仍然可以运用“ 301条款”对其他国家实行贸易制裁和威胁,尤其是对世贸组织的非成员国进行单方的制裁。

2024-05-27 广告