time after time翻译
time after time翻译是一次又一次。
The system has proved fallible time after time 时间一次又一次证明,这个系统是会出错的。And time after time, he found there was. 他也一次又一次地找到了证据。I've told you time after time not to do that. 我一再告诉过你不要干那件事。
You will get a perfect result time after time if you follow these instructions. 如果你遵循这些用法说明,每次都会得到最佳的效果。Time after time, I hear these stories of missing children on the news. 我不断从新闻节目中听到这些关于孩子失踪的报道。
Burns had escaped from jail time after time 伯恩斯屡次越狱。Or you may apply the same special effect time after time. 或者您可能会采用同样的特殊作用时间后的时间。
Time after time we get the same complaint from customers. 顾客总是反复这样向我们抱怨。But time after time the line came up empty. 但一次又一次,绳子拉上来,空无一物。