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2023-01-07 · TA获得超过1万个赞
  • Yuan Longping

  • (译)袁隆平

  • Born in Peking, Yuan Longping graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in China in 1953, and then was assigned to teach crop genetics and breeding at an agricultural school in Hunan Province. He began his research in hybrid rice

  • (译)袁隆平出生于北京,1953年毕业于中国西南农业大学,之后被分配到湖南省一所农业学校教作物遗传和育种。他开始研究杂交水稻。

  • development in 1964 and subsequently was transferred to the Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1971 to serve as a research professor. It was there, two years later, that he achieved a major scientific breakthrough as he successfully developed the genetic materials essential for breeding high-yielding hybrid rice varieties.

  • (译)发展于1964年,随后于1971年转入湖南农业科学院任研究教授。两年后,他在那里取得了重大的科学突破,因为他成功地培育出了培育高产杂交水稻品种所需的遗传物质。

  • Professor Yuan is widely acknowledged for the discovery of the genetic basis of heterosis in rice—a phenomenon in which the progeny of two distinctly different parents grow faster, yield more, and resist stress better than either parent. In developing his “three-line system” of hybrid rice, Professor Yuan and his team soon produced a commercial hybrid rice variety called Nan-you No. 2, which was released in 1974. With yields 20 percent higher than previous varieties, Professor Yuan’s new crop immediately began to improve food availability in China.

  • (译)袁隆平教授被广泛认为是发现了水稻杂种优势的遗传基础——在这种现象中,两种截然不同的父母的后代生长得更快,产量更高,抵抗压力的能力也比双亲强。在开发杂交水稻“三线制”的过程中,袁教授和他的团队很快就生产出了一种名为nani -you No. 2的商业杂交水稻品种,该品种于1974年上市。由于产量比以前的品种高出20%,袁教授的新作物立即开始改善中国的粮食供应。

  • In the three decades following his breakthrough achievement, planting of this new crop has spread so widely, so that now almost half of China’s rice

  • (译)在他取得突破性成就后的30年里,这种新作物的种植已经传播得如此广泛,以至于现在几乎有一半的中国水稻种植。

  • production area is planted in hybrid rice with a 20 percent higher yield over previous varieties. This translates into food to feed approximately 60 million more people per year in China alone. Beyond this exceptional accomplishment, Professor Yuan has built an additional legacy of combating food shortages and hunger through his:

  • (译)生产区域种植杂交水稻,比以前的品种高出20%。这意味着仅在中国,每年就有大约6千万的人食用这种食品。除了这一非凡的成就之外,袁教授还通过他的努力,建立了一项抗击粮食短缺和饥饿的额外遗产:

  • Professor Yuan has shared his knowledge and technology with foreign scientists, providing them with crucial breeding materials for the commercial production of hybrid rice in their respective countries. Farmers in more than ten other countries besides China, including the United States, have thus benefited from his work, gaining access to a technology they may otherwise never have enjoyed.

  • (译)袁教授与外国科学家分享了他的知识和技术,为他们在各自国家的商业生产杂交水稻提供了重要的育种材料。包括美国在内的十多个国家的农民因此受益于他的工作,获得了他们可能从未享受过的技术。

  • Philippines President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo praised Professor Yuan Longping for “spurring the rapid development of hybrid rice in the Philippines and other Asian countries, such as Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Indonesia.”

  • (译)菲律宾总统阿罗约(Gloria Macapagal Arroyo)赞扬袁隆平教授“推动菲律宾和越南、印度、孟加拉国、缅甸和印尼等亚洲国家的杂交水稻快速发展”。

  • developing countries in expanding hybrid rice production. 

  • (译)发展中国家扩大杂交水稻生产。

  • Professor Yuan’s pioneering research has helped transform China from food deficiency to food security within three decades. His accomplishments and clear vision helped create a more abundant food supply and, through food security, a more stable world. Professor Yuan’s distinguished life’s work has caused many to call him the “Father of Hybrid Rice,” while his continuing research offers even more promise for world food security and adequate nutrition for the world’s poor.

  • (译)袁亚非教授的开创性研究帮助中国在30年内从粮食短缺转变为粮食安全。他的成就和清晰的视野帮助创造了更丰富的粮食供应,并通过粮食安全创造了一个更加稳定的世界。袁教授的杰出生活使许多人都称他为“杂交水稻之父”,而他的持续研究为世界粮食安全提供了更大的希望,为世界贫困人口提供了充足的营养。

  • Professor Yuan’s remarkable achievements in hybrid rice research have previously won him numerous awards and honors, including China’s State Supreme Science and Technology Award, the 2001 Magsaysay Award, the UN FAO Medal of Honor for Food Security, and the 2004 Wolf Prize in Agriculture.

  • (译)在杂交水稻研究中,rofessor Yuan的卓越成就,为他赢得了众多奖项和荣誉,包括中国国家最高科学技术奖,2001年的Magsaysay奖,联合国粮农组织食品安全荣誉勋章,以及2004年的“狼奖”。

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