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英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话用英文怎么说?
1个回答
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Natural
Record是一个科普网站,用影像和文字记录自然的脉动,推动人们对自然的认识。
Natural
Record
is
a
science
website.
It
records
nature
pulsation
with
images
and
words,
pushing
forward
the
knowlege
of
people
to
the
nature.
with
images
and
words,
with
短语表示方式
pushing
forward....
ving
词组作伴随状况
【满意烦请及时采纳,好问好纳,再问不难】
PS:拜托各位,获得帮助后处理下提问
Record是一个科普网站,用影像和文字记录自然的脉动,推动人们对自然的认识。
Natural
Record
is
a
science
website.
It
records
nature
pulsation
with
images
and
words,
pushing
forward
the
knowlege
of
people
to
the
nature.
with
images
and
words,
with
短语表示方式
pushing
forward....
ving
词组作伴随状况
【满意烦请及时采纳,好问好纳,再问不难】
PS:拜托各位,获得帮助后处理下提问
推荐律师服务:
若未解决您的问题,请您详细描述您的问题,通过百度律临进行免费专业咨询