推荐一本英文原版小说吧 我大一英语四级水平
Recommendedreading materials from English Literature:
1. Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
2. CharlotteBrontë Jane Eyre
3. Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights
4. Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
5. Charles Dickens David Copperfield
6. Thomas Hardy Tess of the D’Urbervilles;Jude the Obscure
7. Henry James Daisy Miller
8. D.H.Lawrence Sons and Lovers
9. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels
10.William M.Thacheray VanityFair
Recommendedreading materials from American Literature:
1. Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie
2.F. ScottFitzgerald The Great Gatsby
3. F. ScottFitzgerald The Great Gatsby
4. NathanielHawthorne The Scarlet Letter
5. JosephHeller Catch- 22
6. ErnestHemingway The Sun Also Rises;
The Old Man and the Sea
7.JackLondon The Call of the Wild;
Martin Eden
8.MargaretMitchell Gone with the Wind
9. J.D.Salinger The Catcher in the Rye
10.JohnSteinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
11.HarrietBeecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin
12.MarkTwain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Recommendedreading materials from English Literature:
1. Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice
2. CharlotteBrontë Jane Eyre
3. Emily Brontë Wuthering Heights
4. Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe
5. Charles Dickens David Copperfield
6. Thomas Hardy Tess of the D’Urbervilles;Jude the Obscure
7. Henry James Daisy Miller
8. D.H.Lawrence Sons and Lovers
9. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels
10.William M.Thacheray VanityFair
Recommendedreading materials from American Literature:
1. Theodore Dreiser Sister Carrie
2.F. ScottFitzgerald The Great Gatsby
3. F. ScottFitzgerald The Great Gatsby
4. NathanielHawthorne The Scarlet Letter
5. JosephHeller Catch- 22
6. ErnestHemingway The Sun Also Rises;
The Old Man and the Sea
7.JackLondon The Call of the Wild;
Martin Eden
8.MargaretMitchell Gone with the Wind
9. J.D.Salinger The Catcher in the Rye
10.JohnSteinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
11.HarrietBeecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin
12.MarkTwain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn